Speed-Run GO-GO-GO Players. What's The Point?

Those categories are just called “guilds”

Yeah because the knowledge and skill gaps

Its wasn’t trival back than. no one really raid back then. Only couple guild ever saw the raids and ever seen the last boss. Yet theres an huge pool who loves it not because of it being extremely boring and tedious.

Thats the thing its wont be trival because the game would be in a new set of rules and play style. No one will not be like retail or classic. No one already figured it out yet.

Well then you shouldn’t have a problem because you will already have a group ready to go… I assumed this was for people pugging due to people being unaware of the pace of the group they’re in.

yes. butt that is sorta my point.

Pugging, you never really know what you are going to get. And its hard to force a playstyle for pugging. We have those sorta options today already and people largely ignore their use.

The implication is that there are a lot of people that prefer going slower, etc. If that is true, finding a community, a guild, etc shouldnt be difficult. I will always suggest finding a community/guild when a person has specific goals or desires. Example, slower runs.

Not everyone has the time and commitment to join a guild. Not everyone has a guild where people are social, friendly or welcoming. It’s not that easy to find a good guild for everyone anymore.

I agree that you should already have a group established if you want to push content, but to say “just join a guild” is pretty simplistic in the retail we know today.

There’s a lot of reasons people don’t have a group ready to go, much of it is because the social aspect of the community has changed. Many times when you join a guild now it has been established with the same people for years and often times it’s hard to move up the ranks or get a leg up. Resulting in you not being people’s “first pick” to dungeon with, which is why people pug.

The thing is, most guilds dont have a time or commitment requirement.

I dont think we are referring to mythic raiding or pushing 15s here. The people wanting slower runs arent doing the content that requires anything from its members.

Okay guys, Akston has sorted out the entire problem. Everyone just needs to join the perfect guild.

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Calm down.

You are the one pretending that normal and heroic guilds, focusing on m+5s-8s regularly have some sorta commitment requirement.

Over exaggerate your argument, and blame everything on someone else. The easiest thing to do apparently.

:roll_eyes: I am calm? That’s a bit of a jump to assume.

Real pros know when to floor it and ease.

Or drift.


You win man.

There is no solution. If you want to run slower, etc. Sucks for you.

There is absolutely nothing that can be done.

I’ve seen this decision primarily done by tanks recently, when no one in the group has asked to skip content.

It’s been especially frustrating for my husband and SIL because they’re both leveling new characters, and they have actual quests in the TWing dungeons, and they can’t complete them because the tank just skips stuff. To make matters worse, skipping a lot of it also ends up with numerous party members deaths.

Overall, I hate the GO-GO-GO attitude. I wish my husband would go back to tanking rather than healing just so that we can actually get the content done for those who need it.

I don’t even do runs anymore, I’ve only just come back from SL lol, last thing I did was WoW hardcore lol, my point was that your suggestion is simplistic in a retail social landscape.

I solo on retail, guild is an absolute necessity in classic and its variants.

Look man. I said you won.

No need to convince me. There is absolutely nothing someone can do to try to do slower runs.

Sure. You can promote guild usage for classic. But not for retail. Its unreasonable to expect a person to get in a guild for retail, despite finding it necessary for classic.

There’s 24 hours in a day. A lot of it is spent school/work/sleep/eating/showering/RL responsibilities. So realisticly the actual play time you get is little each day individually. That being said, no one has time to sit in a dungeon and pull one pack at a time. That would make dungeons literally 30+mins.

Or running the same dungeon in random lfg isnt fun after 100th time.

Infinite Timereaver mount. It has a chance to drop from any boss killed in Timewalking dungeons. Really low drop chance.


This is an incredible generalization that does not even bother getting into. You do this a lot and I don’t care for this in my life this year.


Is it? How else am I supposed to take a statement regarding how MMORPG’s are supposed to be about the story as it relates to people being unhappy with a slower pacing of the game? And I guess the other 3 and a half paragraphs explaining this position aren’t worth considering, either?

I don’t like it either(Tanks having no regard for the healer or anyone else in the group and just rushes). I get it if you are running low on time but at least don’t pull the whole dungeon and get the group killed. “Cause its a chore” I have to ask why are you doing it in the first place." Feels like people just people chose to make them more miserable.

TLDR: At least try to not rush the dungeon. Nobody is(Reasonable anyways) asking you to take forever, just slow it down JUST A LITTLE.

badges. there is no reason to make it take longer when i can steam roll it