Loot needs fixed, and stop making excuses because of your transmog

Honestly they should bring back personal loot - not because it’s actually better, but because the average wow players are just too stupid to deal with group loot.

Everyone gets a random piece of gear automatically rolled for them by the system occasionally - fine.

Everyone gets a pool of gear they can roll on instead of the system - LET ME HAVE MY UGRADES YOU HEARTLESS MONSTER YOU DON’T DESERVE IT


You don’t need 4pc to do M0 and anyone demanding 4pc is a try hard demanding to get carried.


I’m going to roll need on whatever I can and there is nothing you can do to ever stop me


And then they spam each other demanding loot and we see people screaming about that. And they still won’t learn. lol

But it’s moot, Blizz won’t bring it back k due to group stacking.

Correct me if I’m wrong, but isn’t there gear on the AH that’s better or at least comparable to the gear you can get in LFR?

I don’t think you know your numbers that well…


tbf, this is on my tv so it looked higher. ty though.
And 26k is still attention seeking behaviour by their standard.

Also, Something should be done about thieves in LFR - #2 by Ventorath-wyrmrest-accord

but somehow, only my post got hate.

Wild how so many agree with me, but yet only i get trolled lol.
But yeah, i am for sure the ONLY person to ever say these things and definately nobody agrees with that other person saying the same thing I am.

Wild how the same topic can be hated with one person, and loved with another.
I think it’s because mine called you losers out for your greed where theirs just poked light fun at you.

Oh, no. I also hated on that thread as well. :dracthyr_shrug:


You bring up nonsense and then insult. We aren’t the ones with an issue here.



And that’s as far as I got.

Until Blizzard themselves defines what need is and implements something else. No.

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Factually incorrect.

Skill issue, not game issue.

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It’s because one person wanted to have a respectful conversation and you’re going absolutely off the rails :dracthyr_tea:


If everyone buys a lottery ticket, should the prize always go to the person who needs it the most? There’s be no reason for almost anyone to play at that point.

Everyone bought a ticket, everyone deserves to keep their winnings if they choose to.

its only bait because you don’t like it.

I was creating a serious topic of discussion. Just because YOU do attention seeking behaviour with 27k posts, doesn’t mean the rest of us do.
AGain, I normally go months, even years without making posts. I am the furthest from attention seeking as far as the forums go.

naw, they called you greedy turds out too. They just want to try and pretend they are not mad about how greedy people are. If the wording is all the difference, then the problem is the readers.

How is that attention-seeking behavior? Did you personally validate each and every post they made to reach that conclusion?

Netting 27,000 posts on the forums is not an insurmountable achievement when these forums have existed for quite some time. Briselody joined six years ago. Breaking that down, that’s roughly 12 posts a day.

In any case, the number of posts is irrelevant. It’s not about how much you post, but how you post.

Your post reads as attention-grabby. Not sure what else to say there.


That’s the point of writing, to grab the attention…
ITs a serious topic and dozens of threads are going off about it.
And the reactions to each, even in the context of wording, are varrying wildly from thread to thread.

If there are several threads about it and many people supposedly agree with you, then why did you feel the need to make your own thread?


Still haven’t left yet


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Lmao just roll better


Blizzard needs to make it so you cannot inspect others in LFR. This is not about empathy, if someone is in BiS gear they are doing LFR because they want something from it. It is not for us to judge how worthy they are of the loot they are given. I know of many people that would purposely go into LFR with lower gear for this reason.


You don’t see a problem and this is my point exactly.

I’m not disparaging you for how you see it and how you play the game. But as I said, until everyone has more empathy for strangers in even the most ridiculous of situations, nothing will change.