Something should be done about thieves in LFR

Well the obvious solution is that the lowest geared player should just automatically get the loot.


Those weapons are not BIS. Learn to read.

what part of rng drops you didnt get, if they can roll on it they have the same right you do to get the items.


Only if it’s BiS right? OP only wants people rolling if it’s their best in slot…


Always roll need.



I suppose each raid could ask OP what they want it to be and go from there?


Yep, just like exploit often when there’s a bug in wow.

ARN is the true rule of LFR!


Maybe LFR should use DPK…

Classic loot systems =/= modern group loot.

Stealing would be someone making a weakaura, distributing it to the raid group and then when they would deal you it would autotrade all gold and loot drops to them. This was briefly happening back in BFA in nyalotha pug groups until blizzard hotfixed it…


lmao I’m seeing a lot of condescending replies. You’re missing the point and trying to deflect. This has little to do with my gear. People are rolling need on items they dont need for greed.


Maybe you should look at the meaning of thieves, and stop claiming you own everything.

And how do you know if they don’t need it?


Better luck on your need RNG roll next time bro.


The concept of Group Loot has not changed since Classic.
It’s the same format, just with a Transmog option now.

You may feel it’s justified to ignore that because of other design issues, but the intent of Group Loot is still clear. People are just ignoring it.

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It’s entirely irrelevant :dracthyr_shrug: they were there, they won the loot, what they want to do with their loot is nobody else’s business.


LFR is for the vault and in S4, bullion. Any loot is just a bonus. I also LFR exclusively.

I do my part, I only need what I’ll use and greed/tmog roll anything else. Sometimes I’ve won something on an alt and realized I didn’t need it and traded it to the next guy. I only need on sidegrades after inspecting the highest roller to see if we’re on even footing or if it’s a big upgrade for them.

But if someone’s so cheap they need every little thing for a dime it’s not my problem.


I sure hope so

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And? They participated in the kill, they can roll on the loot. If you don’t like the idea of that, make some friends, and stick to playing with them.



I love you too.

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Eh, I should throw in here that while I don’t support the “Always Roll Need” mentality in any way, I also don’t agree with what OP has said a couple times now about BiS Loot.

An upgrade is an upgrade whether or not it’s the actual “BiS” item for the spec. Worrying about the absolute most optimal loot distribution is something for a hardcore raiding guild to do to ensure the largest improvement of the raid as a whole, not for someone in LFR trying to replace their Dungeon Blues.

What I do NOT support is someone in ilvl 520s rolling Need on some 502s with the intent of selling them for gold, trading them for a different item that might drop later, or for *transmog.

*Again, I understand the design issues with Transmog. Still don’t support rolling Need for it. Give Blizzard the Feedback that it’s not working. Rolling Need isn’t feedback, it’s just being greedy.

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