Some form of Sharding

lets say northshire had 50 mobs then.
that means that normally 500 people would only generate resources at launch as fast as those mobs could spawn.
but with sharding factored in those 500 will be in different shards thus generating 50 mobs worth * how many ever shards there are, per server, per spawn.

Logging in and out isn’t random. You and many other have claimed that people were just running around and being sharded. Show me the DAMN clips.

the nodes being there and disappearing when you walk close to them and reappearing when you back up is some form of sharding.

i honestly cant think of anything else it could be other than some bug with them spawning somehow halfway.

UGHHHHH, you REALLY don’t know a thing about this. That isn’t sharding, that’s phasing.

Umm… no if there are only 500 people in the zone it won’t be sharded and things will work exactly the same. If there are 1000 people in the zone it would shard into 2 and resources per person would be the same.

do you really think blizzard is going to sit there with 500 people in northshire abbey at launch or do you think they are going to split them up into much more manageable bites? be real here ziryus.

they stated they would like to use sharding at launch because it helps with server load stability, player experience and strain. do you think 500 people in northshire abbey is going to put a lot of strain on the server?

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if i recall correctly they said something about wanting players to have a good launch experience. to me that doesn’t sound like they want 500 people waiting for 50 mobs.

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/shrug we’ll see.

I’ve always said that sharding should only be used to prevent server crashes, disconnects, queue times etc…

I don’t think the servers were stable with that people in a single zone in vanilla but we’ll see.

Just out of curiosity, where did Blizzard say that? Because Ion said at Blizzcon it was being done so that basically they could have higher server populations at launch because they expect a lot of players to leave and they don’t want empty servers. That’s the reason they’re considering sharding.

Server stability is just a red herring that forum posters have created. Mark Kern himself said the servers in 2004 held up ok. The problems weren’t server issues, it was something backend that he didn’t want to talk about for some reason.

i could be wrong but i could have sworn they said they wanted a good launch experience for players too.

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That’s fair. Yeah, older interviews with Brack they said that. I was speaking about what Ion said. But the two go hand in hand. And Ion’s being the later reason is probably the better one.

And ‘a better experience’ could be interpreted a lot of ways. The point is, all this talk about convenience, and whatever ridiculous math you guys and the trolls are doing with one another is totally meaningless, and has nothing to do with why Blizzard are even considering sharding.

You’re a funny little guy. I’ve proven you wrong on at least a dozen things and you still call me a troll.

How’s that lie about the water going for you? Need me to link video evidence of you lying, again?

You’ve proven me correct. You tried to insult me by saying sharding wasn’t causing nodes to disappear, then link a video showing sharding causing nodes to disappear.

You want evidence of people vanishing? Look at that second video. What do you think everyone around that guy saw when he joined a group? Yup, to them he vanished.

I don’t expect an apology from you, but you can at least stop digging yourself a deeper hole.

As far as water, I linked pictures I took myself showing how in the demo you can see things underwater with the new effects that you can’t see using the old effects. So once again, I was there. You weren’t.

Ok, that’s enough feeding the trolls today for me. :yum:

The Classic water setting on the Classic demo that you attempted to use as proof that the water in Vanilla was opaque, compared to actual video evidence that proves you’e wrong:

You purposely tried to manipulate people into thinking that the Classic water setting in the Classic demo was how the water looked in Vanilla. I would call that blatant trolling, without a doubt.

What about when you back up it reappears then when you walk forward it disappears again The only thing that causes that as far as I know is sharding

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That’s phasing, they’re not the same thing. Let’s say you’re on a dead realm and there’s only the single shard in which every player on that realm is in. If you’re walking by a herb and it’s phasing in and out, that’s not you going between two different shards. There isn’t a different shard for every phased area of the game.

If it disappears and reappears in a controllable manner that’s phasing not sharding.

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Please enlighten us all as to what the conditions of phasing are.

Is phasing not tied to quest progression?

If a player has completed all of the quests in a given area and still experiences the same “nodes disappearing when getting close, then reappearing when backing up, rinse and repeat” issue, explain how that would be phasing.

Phasing is distinctly different than sharding.

Maybe, as far as I know there are not many phasing zones on azeroth and none in the barrens or thousand needles which is were I ran into the majority of the issues
I thought phasing was related to world or zone events were the environment changes after the event.
Or there is a mini quest within zone that phases you into a for a lack of a better way to word it a “zone within zone” only to return to the normal zone