SoM is done!

If that is true im not sure who smokes the better Kush, you or the people behind this plan

Who won’t? Everyone will be swimming in better pvp gear than BWL offers.

People who play for the gear will quit fast yea; But people who are here to try and master harder versions of the content will stay. I dont think anyone is prepared for the foolery thats going to go on with Chromaggus.

They rarely even use their forums, bruh.

I mean my brotha I already called this before som released

I think you are sadly mistaken

Apparently, and I have not tested this myself i might add, you can just delete a character or delete gear and then use that sweet item restore page to get it back later on, when all the fireworks stopped.

Take with that info as much as you will…

But yea OP is right. Nice title.

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SoM is not done. If people are getting bored our heroes at blizzard can always make new content for classic.

Like classic arena focused on dire maul and gurubashi arena or kara or ulduar or uldum or hyjal or like a tbc and wotk classic content or ICC using classic spells. They even have hyjal in classic still saying under construction don’t they? A raid or world added but it has to all be scaled to work with classic spells.

I like the idea to being able to forward time with that dragon if time in Cot or chromie. My brother thought of the idea of didn’t chromie take us back in time? So would it be a good idea to have portals that can take us to different moments?

My brother is telling me to never give up in life. I am sad about losing reckoning bit I will look at the bigger things in life. Blizzard brought us this game. They could of chosen the easy path and chosen not to but they chose the hard path and did. I remember they chose to help us have classic. After nostalrius was finished.

The people who made this game made the best game in the world. It came out in 2004 and was a game from the future. It was too good for it’s time. I will remember this and remember my brother told me to always look at the good things in life. Even if the bad tries to bring you down.

I also want to thank Glinda for helping me with my depression. I am sorry for anything very mean I said like that I hope the game burns. No I hope it does not it is the best game I ever played and the people who made this game were very smart and made a game that felt like it was from 2015 compared to runescape in 2004 and I am sadly a perfectionist. If everything isn’t right I get stressed. The game is so good that I wanted it to be as good as it can be and was not able to think straight. I will just relax and tell myself to be grateful because blizzard is a good team who dont stop working to help us. Thank you Blizzard. My brother is also cheering me up with a cute video he found.

I’m sorry for what i said blizzard

I appreciate your work you put into the game
The game doenst need fixing it’s already a beautiful game

I will just enjoy the game as much as I can
Nerf or no nerf I don’t care heroes


dude… i admire your optimism, but it aint happening


Can you explain what is the thing that just won’t happen exactly? When you said it aint happening.

I don’t mind if they don’t do extra content if people don’t like it. I will be happy if they do what people like. But what is the “part you mean by it aint happening?”

there will be no new content of any kind
the soul of iron buff is the closest thing to “new content” we will ever see

My brother wants to do a survey or ask your few questions is that ok?
He is better at this than me

Ehe magical azeroth rainbow baby ducky flies on a branch next to you (^-^)

Hello friend. You can answer if you like yes or no to any. If you don’t feel like answering it ok friend of Azeroth :slight_smile:

  1. Would you like it if they added new zones and raids and these zones were scaled to level 60 and they required very strong BiS 60 gear to survive in?
    Like Uldum or Hyjal or Kara etc

  2. Would you like a classic arena that is abit different to TBC rated arena’s and is just dire maul and gurubashi arena? But instead you can queue up for it in major cities? And you cant queue up for the arena master event. This event is left for people who want to fly there.

  3. Would you like the Honour system to change?
    Would you like it to be how it originally was? And easier or harder to get the grand marshal items?

  4. Would you like some changes or no changes to the original classic? Some changes as in maybe a change to things like how they made it easier to dismount when attacking.

  5. Would you like it if they added Same faction battlegrounds?

Thank you friend :owl:Owl from Links Awakening hoots and flies

  1. Would you also like to see any changes to the Soul of Iron?

No to all of these…

just try to recreate the real game rather than inventing new methods of how to “improve” it.

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What’s the real game friend you would like them to recreate :)?


Then there would be less conflict. I feel. The main concern is having these changes or additions in SoM spilling over into Classic. It hasn’t happened yet but it’s possible. Recently people noticed the pickpocket debuff on Classic. Not sure if that’s a bug, intentional, or has been since patched.

The other concern is there hasn’t been any talk from Blizzard about a Classic Era reset. If there was, I would have not interest in discussing SoM. But there hasn’t so players that were hoping for a Classic fresh reset instead of SoM are kinda in limbo.

Just my two cents.

its been happening since SoM was implemented. World bosses turned off, wbuffs fading upon raid entry, wonky honor/ranking calculations. At this point Era is the PTR

Friend. What do you mean by a classic fresh reset? :slight_smile:

Do you mean for Blizz to remove the changes they gave us in SoM and instead give us the exact classic fresh they gave in 2019?

Question friend. If the above of what I said is true.

  1. Would you want spell batching to be added for all spells again? Or be reduced to 10ms like how it is currently.

  2. Do you want there to be 32 debuffs in the classic fresh reset?

  3. Do you want the Honour system to be how it first was in 2019?

  4. Do you want there to be bigger populated servers and an increased respawn rate or no so it matches classic fresh reset.

  5. Do you want World buffs to be back with chronoboon or removed from raids?

Thank you friend. Baby Pidgeon flies away :dove:

Well this was a quick season 1 of SoM! Time for season 2.