SoM is done!

I was awfully dramatic this morning. But I am often dramatic. I was terrified it would affect all servers. Thank Elune the corruption was contained.


o god the whinging

LMAO I’m sure blizz is shaking and terrified of losing such an huge and important part of the community


thrall’s balls
i missed the free hugs


Ur someone who will quit before bwl

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At our local gay pride festival there’s always a booth where you can get a hug from a dad or a mom, or an aunt, or an uncle, etc. It sounds sort of dumb, but it’s really pretty cool.

I always get a couple hugs.


Not dumb at all.
Touch is important and healthy.
For everyone.


Your mom’s so fat she that we put stipes on her sonwe could tell whether she’s walking or rolling.



Spit the marbles out of your mouth.

My cellmate keeps telling me the same thing.


So I found the solution. Blizz must target the infected server and Nuke it. Give the players 24hrs to vacate via paid transfer services and those who are on lockout will be SOL. This will correct the issue while punishing exploiters at the same time and enriching Blizz’s pockets. Win win win

Imagine leveling in SOM when you can just xfer your complete character over from classic. this is worse than the boosting was in in BCC.
Oh well at least I only subbed for the month.

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It’s the only way to be sure?
Cool your jets. Blizz is still working on weeding out all the residual mess.

it’s fixed, everyone just calm down

what happened to trading/gold?

Not at all.


Hugs are kinda necessary.

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LMAO , are you serious . Someone transferred over with full naxx gear on a som server? Blizzard are just making errors after errors. This SoM crap , was rushed , poorly tested . full of bugs and glitch . People keep crying on forums . People running around in r10 gear already . Im glad I didn’t waste my time on SoM.

I feel like this was the kickoff for their long term plan to turn all old content into esports realms.