What ever happened to Uldum?

What ever happened with Uldum?

I don’t recall seeing anything about the makers and dwarves and Uldaman and Uldum in later expansions.

Did they do anything with it?

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It became Harrison Jones and the Raiders of the Stale Memes



That’s disappointing.


Nothing, taneris Uldum is unreleased content for vanilla, like the naga city, the Emerald dream, Karazan crypts, Hyjal to an extent, and the bone basement in SW.
Plenty of other unreleased content as well.
YouTube as a bunch of videos on a lot of it.

Personally, if not progression servers, I hope they take the RuneScape path with classic servers, and start releasing the unreleased content to us in updates.


I second this idea. I’d be all for them getting the white board back from Vanilla and just going balls to the wall with it and releasing all the stuff they planned to do but never did for one reason or another.


I’m all for this as well. I love classic and I feel like releasing originally planned content for it -after- all the phases have finished would maintain the spirit of the game while providing something new and exciting.


I desire these.


So then what ever happened to the maker lore/backstory and the weird computer/data aesthetic of the discs and whatnot?

I just did the Uldum quest and the interface said it scheduled Azeroth for a “visit” with the makers which sounded ominous af

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It came to fruition in WoTLK with Ulduar.

A lof of content planned in the early stages of WoW, like outland for instance, got pushed to TBC or WoTLK. In fact I am almost positive northrend was planned for Vanilla.


Mostly this. Wrath had a 5-man and a raid that directly continued the Makers storyline, plus some extra stuff hanging around that I’ve forgotten details of. But they still left some plot hooks for the future, which became Halls of Origination in Cataclysm expac.

Halls of Origination itself was fine, but the zone where it was located was mostly tongue-in-cheek Indiana Jones memes, so the overall quest chains didn’t advance the plot nearly as much as Wrath did.


From reading lore wikis, am I correct in concluding that the makers ARE the titans?


I’m fairly certain that’s correct however they actually send their servant… … Azgalaron or something… to evaluate Azeroth’s progress. The conclusion is terminal.

I see. I was kind of surprised to see that Ulduar as a dungeon was just more old gods lore instead of something unique.

Hmm… I think Old Gods sabotaging and corrupting the Titans’ life engines is about as unique as it ever gets.

*until void lord stuff

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If you’re very into the lore, I suggest checking out the more recent Chronicles series of books. Some of the stuff in there is obviously retconned, but a lot of it demonstrates just how detailed the backstory for Azeroth was from the start.

It was extremely unique when it was released. Titan lore? Yeah baby.

Uldum, OTOH, was a big letdown for a lot of lore buffs. I mean yeah, there’s a lot of comedy and memes and stuff, but IMO it could have been so much better.


Yeah, I suppose I’m looking at it from the perspective of 5+ expansions where the old gods are the running around mucking things up.

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What you want to do is look at the Algalon boss fight.

Yogg’Saron isn’t actually the last boss of Ulduar.


I’m all for new content after phase 6, but the key is not to raise the level cap. This way, old content stays relevant, including gear. You can have higher tier raids that progressively give better gear, but you can’t jump past old content to get it. New guilds still have to clear MC, Ony, etc… and progress naturally.


This idea of “it was planned for Vanilla” needs to die in a fire. It’s pure wishful thinking on the part of the community. TBC was under development not long after the game launched; they weren’t making all this stuff for Vanilla AND developing TBC at the same time.


I’ve been thinking about this and I wonder if it has limitations. Already it’ll be more than possible when later phases hit to go straight to AQ without first raiding MC and Onyxia.

So I guess my question is whether keeping the level cap at 60 will really prevent content from becoming obsolete. Gear still needs to increase in power significantly in order to be relevant, so there’s still an inevitable curve that will make other end game content obsolete.

There’s a video I saw the other day of 3 characters in vanilla WoW downing Onyxia because their gear was just that good.

I think the key is more horizontal progression but I wonder how far that can really get us.

Regardless, I’m perfectly willing to try. I hate that end game content becomes obsolete less than 30 seconds after the level cap is raised.