SoM is done!

If people can transfer in full naxx gear from classic era, then the whole point of having fresh servers is null and void.

The Only way that this can be fixed is the wipe the server’s memory, reset everyone to zero, and figure out whatever bug caused this.

This is the ONLY way for Blizzard to salvage SoM. If I don’t get a blue post RIGHT NOW about this, then that’s it blizzard, you’ve lost my trust permanently, and i will uninstall the battle net app.

You have 24 hours to respond to this, or I’m uninstalling the Bnet app and removing blizzard sites from my bookmarks.

That’s all.


While I understand many of us are panicking. Blizzard really should talk to us to try to alleviate fears. Come on Blizz you can do this!


I don’t even think it was a bug. I think some intern mistakenly put Lionheart (AU) on the list of allowed transfer servers, lol.


what an absolute joke, blizzard…


They have not responded and most likely they won’t, they have completely screwed over everything.

They would need to just ban the people for exploiting what is clearly a bug.

They would need to remove all AU servers that were able to do this perma from BG battlegroups.

They would need to go in and find out anyone who transferred and then traded gold, sold items or gave items away, crafted items and gave away, bought items from AH, etc… etc…

Since they are not going to do that (lets be real), they would have to isolate the AU servers effected to basically sandbox mode, doubt they are gonna do that.

So in the end, SoM is pretty much a done deal, good thing ff14 endwalker is out in a few days yeah?


Clown World of Warcraft :clown_face:


No, the only way we can be sure that this is actually fixed is for blizzard to wipe the servers, it’s the only way.

Cause if they don’t, we don’t know how this will affect the servers econmy, or the pvp.

We also know that blizzard won’t be thorough looking for all the transfers, so wiping the servers is the only way we can be sure that the transfers are all gone.

It’s still a problem, see above.

I agree.

Or they can completely wipe the servers and fix whatever bug caused this in the first place, that would fix the transfers problem.

Like I said, wiping the servers is the only way to fix this.

clown blizzard more like.

It only works on one server in AU. It is a very bad mistake but it isn’t going to destroy all servers.


keep inhaling. While ppl getting murdered in AV by MoM bis warriors.

Wipe the servers? How high are you right now?

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They need to be on this like, yesterday. I can usually laugh at most bugs these past few years, but the damage control needed here is going to be massive, and the longer they wait the exponentially more difficult the task is going to be.

I’m nearly certain all the thousands of gold will not get addressed. It’s very difficult to remove gold after it’s moved off the source character

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It will be fixed probably soon. Having 1 or 2 days of a few extra BG losses is not going to affect many people at all.

I understand it looks really bad but it doesn’t really impact people much outside that server.

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Yes it will, because the only way for that server to be fixed is for it to be wiped.

If it’s wiped, it will be moved out of cadence with the other servers, which will make problems for pvp.

plus, we don’t know how many servers are affected right now, so all of the servers have to be wiped for SOM to be saved.

i’m completely serious.

The only damage control that can be realistically done is to wipe the servers, cause I don’t have confidence that blizzard will actually look for all the character transfers and they certainly won’t be able to lock down all the gold.

It impacts every server. How can we trust that the other servers havn’t been infected?

I keep saying, the ONLY way this can be fixed is if all the servers are wiped clean.

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People have tried it on other servers is how. It only works on 1 server.

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we don’t need to wipe every server clean dude. a rollback of like a few days would do the trick lol


Why would you wipe a server rather than rollback… Even a rollback is extreme, how the hell did you conclude a wipe is needed first? There’s dumb opinions, then there’s whatever kind of opinion you have.


Im not sure why you are trying to make excuses or cling onto here. They screwed up. Move one.

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Yes it does. A lot.

Say my friend Bob transfer his toon from classic to SoM, he gives me 3k gold, bunch of lionheart stuff and etc… Bob then destroys ppl in BG’s (its battlegrouped with NA), ruins there experience. Bob gets banned later on for exploiting what is a bug.

Well they aint gonna ban me and i just got a epic mount from the gold + tons of mats and stuff i wouldnt normally have, they most likely will not take that away, lets be real, they would have to do a lot of investigating to figure out who got what and bought what, etc.

welp now pvp is scewed for the entire battlegroup.


How does it affect other servers when you can only do it on 1 server?

Outside of messing up a few BGs it doesn’t impact people on other servers at all…

It does because of battlegrounds but those are already in a weird spot today with the ranking stuff.

15 minutes ago I was able to select Shop in Classic Era and see an option to transfer my characters (including ones I did not pay to clone) over to Lionheart (AU) and only to Lionheart (AU). The Shop button is now gone. They are working on it. At least transfers to other servers in SoM aren’t a thing right now.