Hey everyone! How should I start this? I guess easiest thing to say is I have been on and off playing WoW since Cata. I really dug my teeth into it once Legion dropped and focused on DK Frost/Unholy. Initially was in a guild but the group didn’t mesh well and eventually lead to an abrupt end. I played a lot of legion alone joining random PUGs for mythic+ and raids. honestly I was excited for BFA to drop. After a month of playing I got told I’d be leaving for a job feb of 2019. Finally getting back I have been able to play again.
Sorry I know that was a lot.
I am looking for a semi hard core to hardcore raiding group looking for melee DPS. I have a Warrior and DK prepared currently. I am someone who is very easy to work with. I will call out when I did wrong before others. If I messed up it’s something I will want to learn from and be better. I am person who works off others wanting them to encourage and push me while I help find the thing that drives them. I am vocal when I need to be.
Honestly the biggest reason I am looking for a guild is the companionship portion. WoW is truly meant to be enjoyed with others. I feel that the best place for me would be in a challenging situation, making experiences, and friends along the way. If I fill that criteria feel free to shoot me a message. Best wishes to everyone and enjoy Shadowlands! I’ll see ya out there.