SOD: Mail blocking transfer

I’ve been having the same issue. Can’t transfer due to mail and suspect it may be the seasonal quest. Appreciate your help resetting my mailbox!

dear Orlyia
i need help resetting mailbox thx :grinning:

Orlyia (and Vrak) can’t always help with these things. It really isn’t their jobs to do so, but there are times they are able to and they go above and beyond to do so. This forum is not a contact point for support and a reply is never guaranteed. Anyone having this issue needs to open a ticket and/or wait for the mail to deliver and retrieve it.

It also should be noted that if you have anyone on ignore and they sent you mail it will not show up in your mailbox until you unignore them. If that is the cause for anyone here you simply need to unignore the person and retrieve or delete the mail.


Can you please check mail for character on
Living flame US
Character: Boominonion

I am unable to log in to attempt to do so myself

Nothing can be done till morning.

Hi am trying to use the free transfer to crusader strike from lone wolf. I cannot initiate the transfer as it says i have mail. I can 100% confirm that i do not have any mails in the mailbox or any auctions. Can you please clear w/e mail that i cant see that’s stopping me from transferring ? Thank you !

Hi am trying to use the free transfer to crusader strike from living flame. I cannot initiate the transfer as it says i have mail. I can 100% confirm that i do not have any mails in the mailbox or any auctions. Can you please clear w/e mail that i cant see thats stopping me from transferring ? Thank you !

Harklyn 60 Human Warlock - Lone Wolf

I think the reason people are continuing to post here is because Orylia HAS been helping and because it’s a limited opportunity window for the free transfers. I don’t think it’s unreasonable for them to post here, but I’d recommend they ALSO submit a ticket in case a GM can get to it before Orylia is able to take care of it.


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hi still hoping to get help with this
Druid Boominonion - Living Flame

Still having trouble, character has multiple errors

  • mail preventing transfer
  • locked
  • lua error
  • stuck at 5 minutes

A gm “cleared” my mailbox yesterday so i don’t know if it needs to be done again. I was able to transfer a level 1 character from the server within a 2 hour window

I start to doubt if it is quest mail that blocking my mailbox from xfering, my mailbox is still empty but I have completed that quest at least 5 days ago

To repeat some advice from earlier in this thread, check to make sure you don’t have mail from someone you’ve ignored. It won’t show up in the mailbox will still count for preventing the transfer.


Cant log into character, when i attempt to its either locked or processing

Alright. If the transfer attempt times out, you might be able to check it.

Otherwise, this might need intervention.

I’ve got it solved, tribute quest item arrived 5 days later, deleted that mail and I finally got to xfer


Tribute for what? Harvest fest? If its harvest, I must be having a different issue as I did not complete or initiate that quest

Please help clear my character Acla’s mailbox on Lone Wolf US as well.

I just went through this exact issue -

What resolved it for me was unfortunately waiting it out… I completed the recent Harvest Festival quest “Honoring the fallen” which takes about 4-5 REAL DAYS to deliver the mail to you - HOWEVER… You will be unable to transfer while in this waiting time.

I submitted a ticket and spoke with several game masters which had no idea how to resolve the issue (seems more like AI chat bots than real humans).

So if you’ve completed a quest that will send in-game mail just keep checking back on that character and eventually something should arrive… submitting a ticket is hopeless now since they never read the entire support ticket, only the last reply.

Best of luck to everyone! See you on the other side!

never did the harvest fest quest, i cleared my mailbox and have been told twice my mail box is clear.

Character stuck at 5 min, locked, mail error, or lua error. its been 3 days.

My character Enchanted-Shadowstrike is unable to transfer. Been over 2+ days of trying now. Ignore list was cleared, mail box was cleared. Unsure as to what is still causing the error saying my character has mail. Could the mail please be wiped/cleared? I’ve submitted a ticket, but the wait time is 4+ days…

This clear up, Sylvang? Looks like that character was moved.