So... you're gonna keep rewarding the 1%?

Viewer is paying in with their time, on an alternative platform, and quite a few of said people do it for ‘subscribers’ not just viewers if you paid attention.

You’re the one that had to intentionally misgender me, so no it wasn’t for no reason. You used ‘he’ to describe me. You brought it into the conversation, needlessly, just like a post from September that apparently you kept bookmarked. I wonder where moon is when you need them. I guess I’ll go find their quote.

Are you important enough for Sosari to remember who you are down to specifics?

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What I don’t understand is why Blizz won’t make challenging open world content and give open world players sets for open world.

I am going to site GW2 again here. In Guild Wars 2 open world players can get ascended gear just like raiders but they will seek out gear like Celestial and Trailblazer that maybe helps damage over time, heal output and general defense. For raiders this gear is bad since it doesn’t let you hit very hard. Raiders will want things like Viper and Berserker (if DPS) stats which lowers personal defense and healing and puts those stats into damage. Ideal for group instanced content where you will have dedicated healers.

So both groups get to enjoy gearing up for their content. If raiders want to farm open world they can but they should get Trailblazer gear or fall over dead. If open world players want to raid they can but they need some Berserker gear or they’ll do no damage. It’s neat.

The weird thing is WoW very nearly did this. In Legion the Order Halls had gear to help out in the open world but in traditional Blizzard fashion by the time you could buy every piece in the set you were long past the point where you needed it.

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world content cannot be “challenging” because people group up and zerg it.

lol the aura of weapons-grade smug that radiates off people who think they can just stonewall and “win” arguments. Subjectivity is the last refuge of the incompetent. Talking to you is a waste of time because all you’re saying is “No U!!!” just with more syllables.

Sniff my parses more and keep telling yourself that you’re winning you’re winning TeH DEBAtE! There’s a good dog.

Lol under what rock do you live? Only reason we have such state of game is because Blizzard is encouraging carry services. 80-90% token sales go towards a carry services. There is no other reason to buy token. World first raiders are mostly streamers and they get more than enough support from their fanatics.

They linked a thread from Sept, so yes clearly I am. We’ve had this go more than once, too, as they just admitted. I could probably dig through activity to find me correcting them previously if it would make you feel better, but given you’re also on the iggy I have a sneaking suspicion you’re one of the ones that defends such behavior consistently.

Classic is filled with gold carries.

Classic doesn’t have a token.


Heightened sense of self-importance. Pity.

lol classic? Seriously how much is carry on classic? I never stepped foot there so I can’t even say

It can be, Blizzard just has to lean in. GW2 has champion enemies that are very hard to solo but with skill and dedication people can still do it. Also it has the meta events and world bosses that are not soloable AND not zergable. Everyone in the map has to to do their part or risk failing the boss.

I mean, the hardest stuff needs guides.

…I’m not saying WoW should go as hard as Dragon’s End but I am giving it as an example that MMORPG open world content doesn’t need to be brainless.

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From the same thread they linked, btw. So they knew. But go off, keep deciding to post on your level 10 instead of your US based 60 Wildebunny.

Join GDKP and you actually get paid to be carried, unless you want to bid on loot, apparently.

Also it has the meta events and world bosses that are not soloable AND not zergable.

Sounds griefable. Classic experimented with such an idea.

As much if not more than in retail.

Horizontal progression game where open world content is designed to be an end game with meta events etc this is absolutely not something you can just plop into wow and expect it to work. Also Raid/PvP/WvW players technically have access to better gear than people who avoid the content since legendary armor can freely swap stats, infusions and runes without the mystic forge or destroying slotted items to change them out for something else.

How so, though? From what I’m seeing it’s the same fare that that crowd always had. Reps, dailies, farms, grinds, mounts. How exactly is this any different in terms of open world content?

Not really. I’ve never seen one or two players tank a meta when the rest of the map is on the board.

Is there something wrong with posting on a level 10? mr. level 50? Public profile hidden too.

So why can’t people zerg it?

To be clear I am NOT saying the GW2 model should be copy/pasted into WoW, I am just using it as an example that open worlds don’t need to be brainless.

To me WoW’s bigger problem is when they try to make challenging open world content they also make moving through said content not fun. Densely packed mobs that daze you, no interesting ways of getting to higher places, it’s more frustrating than fun. The open world in WoW classic is probably the best in terms of challenge and it was not mechanically challenging it just required a little bit of thought to get around because when leveling people had some pretty terrible gear and not many abilities.