So... you're gonna keep rewarding the 1%?

The link had the wrong post number primed, so i had to edit it.

Casuals are the people who bring in new players because they have friends who don’t play and they do content - quests, leveling dungeons, that a new person can join them in and have fun with. That’s why party sync exists.

Pretty sure “casual” people don’t group, and complain about needing to form a group since they have no friends.

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if you want to argue on his behalf, at least, highlight some talking points and why you agree with them.

No I can’t, watch the video.

Lol, how about no?

If solo players saved MMOs, why are MMOs at their least popular since the inception of the genre ?

Sword Art Online created to many little Kirito-wannabes and it killed the genre.

No point in watching a 40 minute video if you can’t even articulate what you think it got right and why.

A person who can’t take the time to become informed even when presented with evidence can’t be reasoned out of ignorance and isn’t worth talking to, good day sirs and or ma’ams.

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Let me link a 10 hour video why LFR is bad,

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Dude, if you can’t articulate your thoughts in a few paragraphs that we can read in 2-3 minutes max, you aren’t actually informed.

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Gotcha. Thanks.

well, short of 10 hours, it’ll have to do:

Haven’t watched it.

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I would hope that’s your alt, and further I’ve already mentioned that one cannot cross-post from the EU forums to US forums so no one is hiding - except you from your own internal issues.

Correct, I haven’t. Thanks for admitting you don’t know what many more of the words you use mean.

I mean you’re the one that’d be upset if your friends stopped carrying you in raids so there is that. Shrug Maybe you should tell your friends about skyrim? It might suit them better so they don’t feel bad and keep raiding with you.

Let me know when pugging and such becomes social again, which is quite a large portion of the game itself.

It’s also funny you mention ‘selfishly’ when you bring up ‘nooo don’t give world quests good loot, all my supposed friends I raid with won’t raid anymore! I MUST HAVE THEM WASTING THEIR TIME WITH CARRYING MEEE.’

Mostly because you tried to bring into question someone elses parses and skill, and I kinda proved that you’re worse than they were. You didn’t like that much <3

IE for a cut of money, imagine that. Sort of RMT if you ask me.

Of course, you would misgender me intentionally again. Not a surprise!

You mean when aggressive elitists do, where they spam the thread with a total of 171+ posts?


It’s even a video so your small brain can avoid having to read something, if you even can read. Seems like all you really know how to do is type out random gibberish on a keyboard.

If this is gibberish, you failed English. I’m sorry.

Again, wrong.

Viewer keys and viewer runs are not paid. They do it to build viewship and a fan base.

Viewership is being paid, so doing it for viewers, is indeed, payment.

But go off going to search for old posts of personal attacks to suit your theories - while intentionally misgendering me. That’s all you’re good for, since you have no actual arguments on the topic.

An almost 8 year old video of amsongold back when he thought for himself instead of catering to his viewers.

If you asked him the same question today he will give you the exact opposite of what you see in this video.

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Whatever pays the bills.

You said RMT. If twitch is paying the streamer that’s a seperate thing and is not RMT. They are not paying for a boost.

Oh geeze, look at you. Bringing transgener into another discussion for no reason.