So... you're gonna keep rewarding the 1%?

Do you have real number or you just guessing? As I’m aware classic is divided in 3 games now. Vanilla, tbc, and LK I doubt anyone can sneeze 300K for carry on classic servers

Ah, yeah. You do it too. I guess more for the tickets.

Can’t cross-post from EU, but thanks. Maybe you could leave additional feedback for Blizz to combine the forums?

Does nothing except prevent people from seeing when you type.

TBC closed with the release of Wrath. Vanilla Classic is dead, a corpse floating in the dead sea.

There may be an argument somewhere that a casual playerbase doesn’t stick to the same game for 18 years.

Product lifecycle graphs show this pretty well.

It would be very natural for the average player still playing to take the game a lot more serious than the average player back in 2006 or so.

Classic has a very hardcore mindset, likely driven by the fact that more hardcore players are the ones who want to play a classic game anyway. Someone who played for 6 months a decade ago probably don’t care about a classic re-release.

In the case of GW2 it’s two reasons

  1. It scales to the number of people at least somewhat
  2. GW2 is horizontal. Once you get to level 80 and get your ascended gear your level and gear will never get any better, you will just get more options for how you play as you go. So there is no overpowering these bosses with sheer numbers. Obviously if a rare boss like this was put in WoW we would inevitably be able to zerg it eventually

Blizzard tried making open world content much harder in WoD with certain areas having scaling mobs and people screamed bloody murder on the forums and they never went forward with it in future expansions.

I agree the game needs more challenging content like the mage tower but open world content rewarding mythic raid equips is something that probably won’t happen.

Which is a shame because I quite enjoyed the world in Warlords of Draenor until it became so obsolete everyone just camped their garrisons all day.

WoD leveling was GENUINELY a blast.

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Heightened sense of self-importance. As I said, your pronouns aren’t that important to me.

Does nothing except prevent people from seeing when you type.

Or see your post history.


Doesn’t prevent you from doing that, actually. Just requires you use search.


How is it ironic that I forget who you are since you aren’t important based on limited interactions? Usually regarded you as someone who can’t deal with any opposing views.

If you want people not to misgender you, plaster your pronouns at the end of every post.

Doesn’t prevent you from doing that, actually. Just requires you use search.

Still more effort needed than not hiding it. That’s the same reason why you want me to post on a level 60, right?


WoW: Capitalism

Because players don’t want it. Every time Blizzard tries this people come out in droves and demand nerfs.

What people actually want is braindead easy content they can get the best gear in the game from a la phase 1 of Wrath Classic. But instead of just coming out and saying it, people hide behind the veneer of “open world casual content.”

A good example of this was the benthic gear from Nazjatar.

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I don’t think that is entirely true. The success of WoW Classic proves that a more difficult open world can be welcomed by the playerbase.

I think the problem, as I said upthread, is Blizzard’s “challenging open world content” these days is quite bad. Like the Maw is certainly hard open world content but it is also just miserable to play.

Challenge is only one part of the puzzle. It also needs be fun.

I would settle for parts of zones that are harder but optional even.

Oh, good, this is gaslighting. You can’t search up specific post details due to public profile hidden.

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Classic WoW had no challenging open world content though.

The problem is that the minute challenge is introduced that is optional, the vast, vast majority of WoW players either entirely ignore it, or complain about it’s difficulty until it’s nerfed.

Jailer’s’ Gauntlet in Torghast is a great example of entirely optional content that has more or less been ignored by most of the people that clamor for hard single player content.

This is why I keep saying that most people aren’t actually asking for hard content, they are asking for easy content with good rewards.

EDIT: In fact I can build even more on this. Think of the easy content that the covenant sanctums introduced. This was frictionless, easy content that could be worked on over time that rewarded purely cosmetic gear. And it was also almost entirely ignored because the rewards weren’t good enough.


Classic wow had world bosses on hours respawn timer.

WoW Classic open world (in vanilla) is absolutely challenging, come on. It’s not mechanically challenging, it’s just challenging by way of no heirloom gear + weird scaling but it does necessitate thinking about how many enemies you pull and whether or not you stand a chance against that rare.

In Wrath (or was it TBC) a lot of old world rares were made non-elite and you can mostly sneeze on things and kill them.

Play an evoker, and you’ll be challenged or maybe people on beta are just bad.

People are always bad at new classes and Dracthyr have a LOT of unusual mechanics. Nobody is used to them on beta servers.