So why is Stormwind allowed to occupy Durotar

Again, Kalec talked to her but if wasnt his fault if the wave were to hit or not(as he mentioned in Warcrimes), it wasnt in his power to stop the Genocide. Only Jaina got that choice to not continue/truly stop it.

No, it was two. It is in the book.

She attempts genocide, Thrall stops it.

She then attempts genocide again - a second time. Thrall stops it.

1 attempt + 1 attempt = 2 attempts.

I mean, I know math is hard sometimes, but it doesnā€™t get more elementary than that.

So in your mind because she was bad at it, it cancels out the attempt.

It doesnā€™t work that way.

I replied to this statement:

Because I found it ironic that a single Alliance Character has attempted genocide twice, never mind whole factions.

If you want to move the goal posts, thatā€™s a you thing.


Can also add ethnic cleansing of the blood elves from dalaran, since her killing the npcs is now canon and no longer a bug.

Ironic that one alliance character is just as bad as an entire faction. Doesnā€™t look good for the alliance fanboys


So rereading it Jaina says ā€œI didnt destroy Ogrimmar, I could have, so easilyā€ which leads me to believe she was holding back. That it wasnt really Thrall who ultimately stoo it but Jaina not giving it her all.

Actually I made an entire thread and the fixed it. She never killed the civilians Jaina doesn't actually kill civilians in the Purge/Teleport them the Violet Hold

She was about to kill Thrall when Kalec showed up. Killing one guy (orc) would have been easy for her, and that would have stopped him from stopping the wave. Thatā€™s what she means by ā€œso easily.ā€

Itā€™s canon now? Did I miss something?

(Also, I wonder what Chronicles is going to say about thisā€¦)

It isnt. In fact, they FIXED it where she just teleports the civilians.

I am sure it will fun to see that chaos.

Jaina did attempt to end the horde, thats undeniable.

And she did some pretty terrible things, again, undeniable.

But I find her a very good example of how the cicle of hatred and war goes.

She wanted peace with the Horde for the longest time, but then the whole Theramore nuking happened.

You can say that Jaina was unjustifiable in doing what she did, and thats true, but that is also very much what makes sense for a character to do.

Thats an interesting story, how she went from trying to bring peace, to being the loudest anti-horde in the room, from realizing how messed up her position was and going back.


The question was if she was actually about to do it. And it speaks volumes again about Power levels that it takes a single Jaina which you need the whole Horde for the other way around.

No it really couldnā€™t. Bombing a city that was actively participating in war efforts against your nation is a viable and legitimate military tactic. Itā€™s no more an attempt at genocide than the Alliance blowing up the Bilgewater boat for simply existing while they carried out their kidnapping of Thrall.

You canā€™t just arbitrarily label thing that happen as genocide.


I mean Ogrimmar would qualify as a legitimate military tactic. Thus not making making what Jaina did an attempt genocide by your logic.

I never called Orgrimmar an attempted genocide. So by your logic, I should hold you to any discussions I make with Erevein, since you feel the need to hold other peopleā€™s discussions with you to my seperate discussions with you.


Is not so much about power levels.

Jaina is a powerful mage and had the focusing Iris that Garrosh used to destroy Theramore right? She just had the right tool for the job.

But if Thrall had less care for keeping her alive, he could have just smashed her head with the doomhammer and called it a day.

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Oh, weā€™ve made it to Jaina, I see. You guys really like making Erevienā€™s idle hours at work go by more quickly, I guess. This topic didnā€™t even have enough legs to last longer than a few days but by god you did it!

Still you are saying what Jaina did is not genocide. And its actual Curse claiming it was genocide. I am just pointing out how you guys are all incosistent in your own beliefs.

I would say the opposite is aa true if not more so, if Jaina had wanted to kill Thrall she could have done so immediately.

Is this a good time to remind people that Thrall has a higher Alliance kill count than Jaina has Horde?


And? Youā€™re beyond inconsistent with other Alliance mainsā€™ beliefs. Saying that different people have different opinions is about as shocking and enlightening as saying ice is cold.


There is no ā€˜you guysā€™, no one here is actually Horde or Alliance, weā€™re all sitting at a screen with bad posture and vaguely blank expressions on a weekday.


And it just means peopleā€™s opinion on this matter is as inconsistent as anything else and that making grand proclamtions about how ā€œthe Alliance has attempted as many genocide as the Hordeā€ just falls flat.

And therefore it also makes the counter-claim fall flat.

Welcome to the internet.

Excuse me?

Excuse me!!

I shall have you know right now that my desk posture is superlative!! When I sit and type, I have increadible posture and, dare I say?



Me watching a certain alliance fanboy and his crusade to keep the alliance morally pure as possible and blaming everyone else