So why is Stormwind allowed to occupy Durotar

Neither faction are hiveminds, we have agents on the two factions that just want to live a good life, agents on both sides that have messed up or worse.

This whole war crime measuring contest (which i participated in the past i think) is so… annoying.

All faction conflicts now should be solved on 2v2 arena battles.

Theramore was full of soldiers cuz the civilans were evacuated.


I knew if I kept telling you that the best way to handle disputes is Mak’gora, you’d eventually start to come around.



It still had civilians, the difference is they were like inn keepers doctors etcs who were indirectly helping the soldiers.

Wasn’t it only like one civilian who refused to evacuate?

Which doesn’t really matter in determining that a fortified port that is the active source of an invasionary force being a valid military target.


I don’t know about the numbers, but it was explicit that those who remained did so by choice.

Which, if we really need to determine whether Theramore and Orgrimmar qualify as attempted genocides, certainly paints Theramore as substantially less so, whereas Orgrimmar wasn’t given nearly the same chance for evacuations as Theramore.


A dark path that is… dark in deed…

Oh good.

From a pure roll playing perspective it can be.

Heck long ago I used to RP villains because I felt like the ones the groups were making lacked substance and depth… kind of like some of the pro-alliance rp’s around here.


Of course the other side of it is Garrosh had no idea if the Alliance would or would not have evacuated the people. He probably didnt care if they did or did not evacuate and worse civilians who he did caught were tortured.

Except wasn’t the plan to explicitly give them plenty of notice so they could get all their forces there so he could take out a lot of their military strength in one blow?


Yes that was his plan. Having said that I dont think Garrosh cared whether there was or wasn’t going to be any civilians left. The fact he captured any civilians he could find on the outskirts of Theramore should be proof of it.

Still doesn’t turn Theramore into anything but a military port that was the base for an invasion.


Theramore was a port used to invade the Barrens. Just because Baine hates himself doesen’t mean the rest f the Horde would be passive.

Well, then we have ample evidence that not only was Garrosh not engaging in genocide, but of the critical difference between Theramore and Orgrimmar.

Garrosh played things more honorable by allowing Theramore to evacuate their citizens from the city and the area. Those who remained did so at their own risk, and sadly suffered the consequences. Garrosh had no intentions of committing genocide.

Jaina however wanted to murder every orc in Orgrimmar, and actively attempted to do exactly that. Had Thrall not twice stopped her tidal waves, Jaina would have absolutely absolutely committed such an act.

If you really want to paint someone guilty based on motivation, Jaina is far more guilty than Garrosh.


Yes he was just going to torture and murder anyone he captured.

And Jaina was going to murder babies by drowning.


Not too similar, but many times i’ve considered changing my main race because of how much whining there was from night elf players during this BFA - DF (which is the entire time I have played this game) on how night elves just get done badly and so on and so forth, and I didnt see things In such negative way.

Still, I like the kaldorei, so I keep maining one.

I don’t think annoying players should interfere on our enjoyment.


No, I agree. Like I said, I could never. I’d rather examine the story as a whole, rather than pretend to live in some fantasy world about a fantasy world, where my team does no wrong, and the other side is inhumane monsterfolk who only exist to prop up my twisted version of the story.

I would much rather point out how everyone is some inhumane monsterfolk.

Except vulpira, they did nothing wrong. Dolly and Dot are my best friends too.


“I would hunt down every night elft whelp that bleats on the face of this world and silence their mewling forever”.

Funny Garrosh(and by extension) the Horde would have kill ever Alliance kid he could find too.

But only Silly Jaina(and by extension) the Alliance actually attempted to drown babies. Twice.