So why is Stormwind allowed to occupy Durotar

And she made a choice. Warcrimes made it quite clear. Kalec had the ability to talk and influence her but as per warcrime “she is not yours to command”

It is not your fault, Jaina made the choice and she chose not to listen to you, or to Go’el-MU Kalec
I should have stopped her-AU Kalec
She is not yours to command! She is her own woman! I am sorry, Kalecgos, so very sorry, but this is not your burden!

Jaina made her decision, she was the one who ultimately stepped off that cliff. And Thrall’s word had no effect. This is a fact as well from Warcrimes. Again, we are all but guranteed to revisit this in Chronicles, lets see how that portrays the entire thing.

That sounds like one attempt.

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I am not talking about his words - he actually stopped two actual separate waves she sent.

She sent a wave to destroy Org, and he stopped it.

After her first attempt at genocide was denied, she sent another, and he stopped it.

He was too weak to keep stopping her genocide attempts -but lucky for us all she changed her own mind before she kept attempting genocide.

But she still tried twice.

You need to go reread before you post things… unless you just like being wrong. Which going by your recent posts, maybe being wrong is your new thing…. because you thought Tess was totally not in the uncrowned, as well…


Yes he stopped the wave but at best all that was delaying her. She was actually about to kill him, in fact she was holding back trying not kill him until her second attempt.

And it wasnt luck, it was her choice. Not Thrall or Go’el.

And I corrected that. I mistook her status with Shaw. Regardless I am correct in this, we can thank Thrall for stopping the waves, however the only one who truly stopped Proudmoore was herself. All Thrall did was buy time, if Jaina had truly wanted to destroy OgrimmR, she would and she could have as seen in Warcrimes.

I would also point out he shouldnt even get brownie point for it considering he is the reason Garrosh managed to destroy her home. He was responsible for the chain of events leading to it.

They say everything after “but” is meaningless drivel. I don’t normally ascribe to that, though this post of yours makes the case.

As I said, she finally decided on her own to stop attempting genocide after Thrall stopped her multiple previous attempts.

Thrall could not stop her forever. He stopped two of her genocide attempts before she changed her mind about the whole genocide thing - but she did attempt twice.


The devils is always in the details. Regardless Thrall doesnt get brownie point for unleashing Garrosh in the world and acting
Suprise when people use the same level of violence he did to retaliate.

And it was her changing her mind that is as, if not more so, important than Thrall stopping the wave.

After she tried twice to commit genocide and failed twice, she changed her mind about further attempts at genocide.

She still had two full throated attempts at genocide, which Thrall foiled.

Two separate waves that had to be stopped, one after the other. She was foiled at both attempts, and they were attempts at genocide, nonetheless.

So after she attempted and failed twice, she stopped herself before continuing to attempt genocide further. I have been saying that. You seem to have a hard time grasping that, but at least you came around to admitting that Thrall stopped the waves she initially sent…

I mean, you brought up the Horde committing two attempted genocides… so I brought up that the Alliance has a single Character to match the Horde’s two genocide attempts that you brought up.

You act surprised by canon and lore, because you seem to lack knowledge of it.


And it would ultimately all have been meaningless if Jaina had wanted to continue. Thrall bought Kalec time to change her mind. Ultimately she was the one who stopped herself, not Thrall. Yes, he stopped the wave but without Jaina choosing to stop it would all have been in vain.

Waves. Two waves.

She launched a wave to commit genocide, and Thrall stopped it.

She attempted to commit genocide a second time, and was stopped.

That’s two genocide attempts.

You keep bleating that she finally stopped attempting genocide on her own - after two failed attempts- which I have said already. Thrall was too weak to stop a third genocide attempt from Jaina.

That doesn’t remove the fact that she attempted genocide twice, and only failed because Thrall interceded both times. Had he not been there, she would have drowned Org.


And Ogrimmar wouldnt be in such a position if Thrall had never put Garrosh in charged. He is to ultimately be blamed for Jaina’s condition and for all those deaths.

It was one attempt.

Hey as long as you understand that Jaina has attempted genocide twice, a single Alliance Character, after you mentioned the Horde had attempted two genocides.

If you feel genocide is a good thing as long as you have reasons… you do you. I wasn’t arguing about any of the genocides being a good thing…

I was pointing out that the Alliance has as many attempted genocides in one single character as the number you complained about the Horde having. And all your bleating and incorrect statements can not change that fact.

Garrosh is dead. Jaina isn’t. Point dismissed.


It was one attempt. Or do we count each time the Horde tried to wipe out the Alliance as a separate attempt?

Even then these are attempts and not successful. The Horde has at least 4 successful genocides.

Jaina did not destroy a city. As per Warcrimes Garrosh is charged with actual genocide.

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Orgrimmar would be gone with kalecgos and Thrall. The intent was there and she had to be stopped by force. Stop making stuff Up.


Except they did not stop her with force and she allowed herself to be talked down.

My quote is from The Art of World of Warcraft: Legion.
There’s also other references to highborne in Suramar before that though, as the lore during legion/wod (as chronicle was released during wod) is that the highborne of Suramar had the royal task of safeguarding Azshara’s fancy magical items in the Vault of Antiquities. We also have references as early as vanilla to there being highborne in Suramar with a Highborne astrolabe being shown in the dwarven museum that’s from the city.
The wota book trilogy itself never really mentions a terrible lot of any Highborne outside the ones in the capital, although they don’t say they only live there, but we’ve known since vanilla that highborne lived outside of the capital as well, which makes sense since they’re the ruling caste.

There’s a reason why the nightborne are so arcane crazy, the ones that mainly survived and became the nightborne are the highborne of the city, and they continued a lot of the decadent culture of the highborne of the kaldorei empire.

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Yes by force. Two waves were deflected by Thrall. That was not Jainas own doing. Mental gymnastics are not lore.


And Jaina could have continued endlessly if she wanted, Thrall couldnt have.

Orgrimmar would be gone without outside help. Kalecgos had to do it otherwise she would have continued.