So when is Alliance getting Night Elf Paladins?

I don’t know about those. orcs “use” the elements rather than having an affinity towards nature, which they often destroy. With druidism, they have to care more about the world and such. Also, that was just a single one and and not really any story to it.Seemed more like a reference. She was on draenor and probably dead now. She never came over with the other Maghar.

Blood elves don’t have affinity towards nature anymore , same as Nightborne, but also more so because their culture doesn’t really care for it since they have arcane and were in a bubble. Humans too. There was a single botanist who’s dead now and he sort’ve just used nature not really caring about the spiritual side of it or anything. Blood elves also use the sunwell for light, they don’t believe in the light in the same way as much iirc because of the 3rd war.

I could see night elves trying more for the elune’s light as a source similar to how blood elves use the sunwell and how zandalari trolls use the loa.

To me, it’s always weird priests get a cop out allowance for almost all races when some really shouldn’t be allowed to be priests ,or really would, but they do because… reasons? The existance of priests being for nearly everyone kinda in a way debunks every class and race but I guess they get a pass because of their link to “spiritual” and “hope” rather than “holy light”.

I don’t really get why tauren and high mountain tauren can be monks but worgens and LFD can’t besides they simply don’t want to.

I would love to see Night Elves, Gnomes, Kul’tirans, Forsaken, Trolls, and Highmountain Tauren Paladins in the game.

But they were certainly paladins when they were alive.

And also what’s your issue with Delas?

That Orc was actually one of our Orcs (she’s green).

The original reason Goblins and Worgen can’t be monks was that they were too new to the factions in MoP. Obviously for multiple reasons that doesn’t apply now but they never added them.

Lightforged they’ve never given an explanation to but I assume the reason is they are so fanatically devoted to the Light they would never pick up another philosophy. Like how they can’t be shamans.

Ah I didn’t remember if she was green or not, just haven’t seen her at all but remember hearing about her being in draenor.

I think they mostly just didn’t want to have worgen and Goblin animations, but yeah I assume with most races and classes are just all based on philosophy and culture with them, so if they don’t have them, it just doesn’t fit for some.

blood elves having druids would pretty much make it 70% blood elves on horde.

Even with Delas Moonfang being an outlier, having essentially turned to the Light rather than Elune specifically, the fact still remains that there is a Warrior Priestess Society within Night Elf Society that go into battle wielding the power of Elune, which essentially boils down to Moonlight at it’s most basic, fundamental level.

The Zandalari draw their power from a glowing (currently dead, potentially recharging) Dinosaur.

The Tauren draw their power from the sun, and are (were?) described as closer to Druids than true Paladins. Mechanically Paladins made more sense.

Dark Iron draw their power from… I’m honestly not 100% on this one. Left over power from Ragnaros? The Elemental plan of Fire? Some very loose Light worship from decades ago?

Night Elves, based on their society alone have a better foundation for Paladins to be playable than any of those three races.

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Delas is a hero from WC3 and completely goes against every single thing she’s been known for in Legion.

She tells the paladin player character she doesn’t feel militant enough, but she’s on the war council and is seen in every other instance with a combination of plate and cloth and with a bow - including in WoD.

She then tells the player character that she’s never felt more at home than she does in the paladin order hall, in a human crypt, surrounded by everyone other than her own people and with zero reference or any acknowledgement to Elune’s existence.

She abandons her post, tells the priest player character she’s not coming back, and doesn’t report to another priest, and is never once seen actually explaining herself.

She’s written like a 16 year old schmuck who bailed on something because she got bored when she’s meant to be a member of the highest order of Kaldorei society. And she can’t even conduct herself with basic military respect? She’s a schmuck.


After the night warrior, I will be extremely surprised this doesn’t happen… this way my main and all of my alts can be night elves :crescent_moon::crescent_moon:

This would help save Night Elves entirely, no matter what way you approach it.

Gonna toss this here.

Yeah, I wouldn’t regard her as an example for night elves to be paladins.

I’d think the night warrior angle would be best. Sentinel’s and priestesses picking up a more zealous melee role.

Open the door for other Paladin races to have their own unique spell styles. I mean heroism vs blood lust, just make it racial based.

Templar’s verdict for a night elf could be elune’s verdict, or tauren it could be sunwalkers strike? And give a different spell visual.

No race that has Death Knights should get Paladins.

Yeah, I can imagine we may lose some of the NE players to the new void elf customization… not opposed to those, but the NE paladin would be nice :grin:

Never, thankfully. Both options are already massively overpopular and overrepresented.

Also, it just plain doesn’t make any sense! Love, Shonky the Tauren Paladin.

Nope. One Thing I love about Night elves is they are so against the grain from the traditional Alliance.

But if they get paladins they’ll be exactly as bland as everything else on the Alliance.

But i’m sure that’s what the Alliance playerbase wants. Bland Light Worshiping humanoids.

The thing is not about we have now, but the possibility of Blizzard adding different spell effects for distinc sects of paladin that are Sunwalkers, Prelates or Warriors of Elune (presumably what Night Elf paladins can be).

Moonlight is just reflected sunlight.

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If we don’t get Night Elf Paladins during Shadowlands… I suspect we might finally get them after… what with the time skip and all… Delas will likely have formed a full order of Night Elf Paladins of Elune by the time we return.

No… we want Night Elf Paladins of Elune… not light worshipers… Elune worshipers…

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I’d love to say something like “No, it goes against the broader lore and is literally a one-off” but Blizzard has shown that if Alliance complain long enough, they will get it, and that introducing a one-off like Alleria is how they give Alliance things. Maybe Delas Moonfang will be the next.

Imagine if Horde begged for Undead Shaman because of Zelling. That is what Alliance does.