So when is Alliance getting Night Elf Paladins?

Didn’t you beg for foxes and get them? Or did the Horde not even have to go so far as begging?

First off, no we didn’t. Second of all, it was pretty obvious by the time that Beta hit that they were going to be a Horde race. Some people made threads about “plz blizzard” but most people were predicting that we would get them.

I watched Alliance moan for years to get Blood elf skin tones for their Dollar General High Elves. And they are STILL half salty about it. “If you give a mouse a cookie” could easily be retitled “If you give Alliance a Horde race.”

That’s what I Like to call a Balance druid.

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on the paladin orderhall questline you get night elf paladins.

if elune created the naaru and paladins get holy light for their powers from naaru its only logical that night elves could be paladins

True, High Elves had been requested for years, and now BOTH Blood Elves and Void Elves get the blue eye option. Many threads have been from Horde saying that the Alliance still has not gotten what they wanted, and that the Horde now has them (or some other anti-High Elf 2.0 post). Most Alliance players seem to be satisfied with the compromise. The addition of blue eyes for both races has opened the floodgates for cosmetic requests for all races now, so nobody’s being “salty.”

There also been threads wanting to rename VE to HE, dismiss the VE story and to take away stuff from ppl that grew to love VE’s for what they are, concerns that there won’t be more “voidy” options as well. Not everything is rosey and HE’s still deserve there own race.

But back on subject. The only way the core night elf race can get paladins is if they consider the (warriors) priests of elune as paladins.

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Elune is most likely a titan construct.

Remember the Pilars of creation? all named after titans?

The Hammer of Khazgoroth
The Tidestone of Golgeneth.
The Eye of Amanthul.
The Aegis of Agrammar.
And the Tears of Elune.

Meanwhile. Lets look at all the Titans.

And Sargeras.

Eonars dimensional plane is called Elunaria.

Balance druids empowered by Elune, do Arcane damage. Which is titan energy.

Elune has many ties to the Titans.

That isn’t how it works.

Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering.

With Night Elves fully on the path to the dark side there is no way they can become paladins.

The Scarlet Crusade built an entire army on the back of the light.

If you think your cause is righteous, you can have light on your side. Even if you’re burning and purging the innocent.

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Imagine the uproar if Night Elves got paladins before Void Elves did. Yikes! :scream:

By your logic everyone of every race in the game is a Paladin even the women and children npc’s.

False logic…

Yes. Anyone can that doesn’t mean everyone does.

exactly my thoughts!Yes please