So what will it take to save WoW?

Player Housing, simple as that.


That would be a step in the right direction.


Keanu Reeves was a big draw for that Cyberpunk game… we need a celebrity who can be put into the game and draw in new players.

I vote for Brendan Fraser.

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I’m surprised Henry Cavil has never done a spot for it, he’s played for years.

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Hire players to remake the game, throw this crap away and start from scratch.

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I got some bad news…By any measure, WoW is a really really old game. Time is working against it and nothing can save it. Optimistically, WoW will be 18 years old at the end of Shadow Lands but if things go poorly it could be closer to 19.

At best, they can slow the decline before it gets retired into maintenance mode.

My suggestions on what they should do to extend WoW’s shelf life

  1. Merge the factions to increase player community size/grouping options
  2. Merge the servers to increase player community size/more social interactions
  3. Remove race/class restrictions to give players more option
  4. Unlock allied races for everyone to make the game more inviting to new players
  5. Go back to long grind progression for player power vs. time gated increments (e.g. currency)
  6. Stop designing the game to limit player choice

This is impossible to determine because every person has their own idea of what made WoW special to them.

And I know this because my reason for giving up in the game might seem silly to others, but yet here I am, simply biding my time until my game time runs out.

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More customization (fix those Nightborne faces already.)

STORY. I mean a good story. A WoTLK type story with a character as good as Arthas. Iconic WoW characters, not this effin Xerces from 300 Jailer crap.

No more systems. Time to revamp the talent tree and dump the borrowed power. Give us tier and new talents. Things we can take with us to the next expansion. I’m tired of working for powers that just get dumped for the next expansion.

Take interesting things from previous expansions and find ways to make them still useful, but fun useful. Use the class order hall to give us new cosmetics for our classes, maybe even new class mount colors, or even class specific character customization. I’d much rather do dailies for stuff like that than grind endlessly for some type of borrowed power that I won’t have in 2 years. Maybe it will take more for them to make new cosmetics, armor sets or even new class mounts but so what.

More dungeons. Honestly I wish they’d just get rid of M+ and take us back to the simpler days of normal dungeon–>heroic dungeon–>normal raid–>heroic raid. Let us earn gear out in the world for those that just want to do stuff out in the world but don’t make it crappy. Maybe make crafting great again for those players where they can achieve at least a normal raid quality of gear.

That’s a few for me and my guild to come back and play. There could be more though.


This… would be one of the worst things they could possibly do. That stuff is extremely important to a large portion of the player base.


I see your point, and I agree with it. Although if I had a goose that laid golden eggs, that would be the best cared for and loved animal on Earth.

you could give kotick your life savings.

A new expansion designed with a new mentality that stops postponing solutions to problems and comes out in a state that can be considered complete and not betatest, accompanied by a new way of presenting the narrative within the game, as well as a coherent narrative. At least for me.

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Greater Character Investment.

Blizzard needs to stop remaking specializations every expansion and instead continue to build on the class infrastructure iteratively. Once they have a degree of balance they can start implementing additional character development, controls, specializations, prestige’s, etc. Play a game like Pathfinder, Divinity, etc; you can create extremely personalized characters. I would like to see that.

Update Old Zones and Old Transmogs; also make their content relevant. Game continuously deletes content of prior expansions by making that content trivial and out of line with new expansion.

Professions need to be reworked and made relevant. Professions ARE a way to build your character; either as a dedicated role or to gear up your character. The fact that we think you should only properly gear through hyper competitive content takes away from that.

Blizzard needs to iterate on game modes. Islands, Torghast, Battlefronts; Azerite, Corruption - All of these things should persist between expansions and be side activities or different forms of gear that you can snipe. By expanding these systems and building on them, they can correct where they fall down and make them better. Implement them into the game and have them as viable side modes for activities. The issue is that Blizzard does these, poorly implements them, fixes them, then abandons them. What is the point of that?


On me, it doesnt need to change anything. As long as they continue to provide awesome Mythic+ dungeons and Raids, I would be fine like I am fine right now.

Plaguefall, De Other Side, Theater of Pain, Sanguine Depths, Necrotic Wake, Halls of Atonement are awesome. Castle Nathria and Sanctum of Domination are okay. There are bosses fight that are remarkable. Keep them coming.

Torghast is okay. We sometimes get pwned in Layer 12 by certain Rare Bosses but it is still okay overall. Last night combo powers I received were the best… amazingly powerful but so absurd. I had a blast.

I am very happy with the mounts that I received. Hand of Bahmethra would keep me happy for the whole expansion. That’s my reward for being patient and I love where I am right now as Casual.

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LMAO @ this (which is sooo false and then you say this right after.

You never played Classic because ummmm Classic ONLY had raiding or pvp for end game. How exactly was Classic (and even BC) not exactly what you are crying about? Are you seriously this delusional?

Let’s see. Vanilla/Classic WoW:

  • Grind like mad and for a long time to hit lvl 60. Basically rinse and repeat with long and boring quests that send you everywhere along with loooong quest times.
  • Hit 60 grind resist gear for raids.
  • PvP same ole same ole.
  • Get attuned to raids.

Once you hit 60 and attuned. Just raid. Rinse and Repeat.

Today’s WoW. A lot more to do end game than Classic ever offered. So we get a lot more today than we ever did in Vanilla and BC. Only reason Vanilla felt that way because the grinds then were 843992743 worse than now and without the addons like today, it took people a lot longer to clear raids.

On and also, EVERY mmo is a rinse and repeat. There is no endings to mmos so every single mmo you follow this formula.

They’ll need to make 10.0 a total blockbuster to recover from two lousy expansions in a row. What does that look like…?

⠀⠀• Respect the Player’s time - don’t assume your players won’t taste, notice, or mind the sawdust you’re padding content with.

⠀⠀• Alpha/beta is when you fix bugs and issues, not 10.1 - this shouldn’t even need reiterating. Whatever scheduling monkey thinks otherwise should be defenestrated.

⠀⠀• Encourage and empower alts from the getgo - We shouldn’t need to wait one and a half patches to skip prolonged intro sequences. BfA at least knew this much.

⠀⠀• Core-first, then add-ons - simpler systems with tighter balance are preferable to lopsided, convoluted, and flashier ones. The fundamental elements of WoW work - focus and empower those rather than dumping resources on gimmicky one-offs with no future.

⠀⠀• Divided content makes for a lesser experience - while some faction content is fine, cutting the game in fractions diminishes the whole. SL would have felt 4x larger if covenants and their campaigns weren’t “exclusive” per character.


Well, thinking it is truth wont make it one lol. All data suggests otherwise.
Have you ever seen an actual game dying? Its nowhere close.

AOTC means you have saved the World (of Warcraft). Again.

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More RPG elements to end game content and less systems more spec related abilities. They need to keep classes fresh with abilities that aren’t borrowed, they had the right idea with more customization within character creation, now they need to expand on race/class/spec content.

A big reason SL fails to retain player base is how disconnected people feel to their character and storyline.

Conversely a big reason Legion is fondly remembered by most is because of how attached people felt to their character because of artifact weapon/class hall etc… along with a number of new talents.

I remember coming back to my class hall to find other monks that I knew from my server, it was a great feeling, you felt part of something.

Try feeling part of something in Oribos.


That’s too broad of a question to tackle.
With at least a million players at any given time, you really are addressing too many styles of gameplay, too many needs/demands/wishes.

It’s done, games sometimes get their 15 mins in the sun, WoW’s time was over a decade ago. It’s past the point of no return and will continue to sail into the sunset.

You haven’t been able to see ‘hundreds’ of players since crz was introduced.

Moonguard is more alliance. Has been for a long time. But rpers have really gone more within their guild from my observation. Alliance is dwindling and also we are in a pause where a lot of people have no reason to stick around or don’t find SL fun atm.

It’s past the point of being ‘saved’.
It’s been deemed dead or dying or doomed for over a decade.

You can salvage it by doing a 180 on it’s current design template and getting more competent devs than Ion and Co but past that, it’s a game that is never going to regain that moment it has back in tbc-wotlk.

That’s over and done with. Enjoy what you can and realize that this game ain’t gonna be bustling with 10 mill like before or whatever.

You’ll be better off.

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