So what will it take to save WoW?

What will it take to bring people back to to the Game? What can Blizzard do to make the game fun like it once did?
I’m just curious cause I don’t want WoW to die. How can we save it? Is there anything we can do to save WoW? Is it buying everything off the game store or buy more tokens? What will it take to save WoW?

WoW feels like a Ghost town and I miss the days when you can see hundreds of players in cities. What can we do as players to bring back those times? I used to be able to see 30-40 people rping even on Alliance side on my Server now I hardly see anyone.

How can WoW be saved? Your thought?

Or is there nothing we can do to save WoW?


How long before a certain Classic WoW Nelf doomsayer comments on this thread? Place your bets!


Anything they do, people will complain.
Anything they do, people will come and go.

The people who really like the game, still here and always will be.


Its been getting progressively worse over the years, it would take a miracle to turn this ship around.


It doesn’t need saving. In fact, you are saving it.

WoW did lose lots of players base this expansion however mostly due to bad systems and non rewarding content.


This is the most successful expansion in the history of the game, from an earnings standpoint, and nothing else matters. Idk that it needs saving?

I think they could definitely lazer line their focus and quit trying to cater to so many different types of players. Many players have left over the past few months. Wisdom would say, hey, let’s look at those who stayed, make the game for them and them alone, then build on that foundation.


Another WotLK quality expansion. These last few expansions are just maxing out your levels in 6 hours and then doing the wash, rinse and repeat as needed format of gameplay. It’s been pay more for less for a long time.

Maybe the young like to repeat the same thing over and over again but I am old. I only play classics now.


Let’s see what the next expansion brings. Revert the woke crap, more skimpy armor for all armor sets, be done with time gating systems, prof spec routes brought back, better talent trees, pvp being focus on battlegrounds than arenas, reforge comeback, gathering bonuses brought back, new class, new race, new allied race and probably a lot you can put on the list.

What I am saying next expansion has to be that good to come back to because competition will be very competitive in the 2020 eras. I guarantee that 100%.


I see your points here. These are all great ideas. :slightly_smiling_face:

I’m not sure if it will save WoW, but it will keep it stable. I don’t see WoW getting their glory active subs at 12million again. I think it’s going to be around other competitive mmorpgs that will be on par with WoW or better.


We can really use another WoTLK quality expansion to be honest. If not better. :slightly_smiling_face:


See, none of those things are relevant to me. I honestly just want them to continue the competitive pve direction, but with templates for competitive play. Completely separate the game modes, stuff like that.

No story, no open worlds, no campaign. just incredible instanced areas for endgame content.

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IT was catering to a big demographic to earn some bucks and do stuff that got wow as it is in the first place.

“Saving wow” is what keeps making it worse.

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Those adds more to the pve direction fun making it casually delicious.

If done right they can be fun, but shouldn’t be repeated on alts unless a player wants to.

Nothing wrong with that. It adds more to the game.

I think it comes down to as long the pros outweighs the cons and always having a positive feedback in the public. They’ll be fine

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i track down this old clip because he said it so perfectly


Saw Asmongold, day is ruined.


I mean Q3 2020 acti-blizzard reported a profit of over 1.95 billion dollars. Just to take in perspective, all square enix assets are worth 3 billion dollars.
WoW shadowlands at the same time made almost 182 millions in profit.
And their second quarter 2021 is… actually descent despite losing maus.

Dont get me wrong but financially speaking, they aren’t needing any kind of saving aside improving their communication, image and press release atm.

WoW has enough backup till its 20 year anniversary, if blizzard will focus on their mmo or not its another situation entirely. The skilled workers are there, the resources are there. Just need the big guys to approve stuff.

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WoW is fine.

The fact that someone called Apr 28, 2021 OLD…


Is it though?