So what will it take to save WoW?

ive been playing final fantasy for the last 3 months now. its not a perfect game. but oh dayum is it infinitely better than what blizz are dishing out atm.

you know what this game doesnt have? fun. a fun experience.
you know what this game doesnt have? an incredible story.
you know what this game doesnt have? respect for its players time.
you know what this game doesnt have? respect for its community.

i play both games now, and ive been playing wow since 2004. and im kicking myself i didnt pick up FF earlier. its just outright the better game out of the 2. sure ARR has some big issues. but if we are just talking about comparing playing a video game compared to another, and having fun while doing it, wow has nothing on FF14. im about to hit stormblood, and heavensward has been insanely amazing.

blizz bean counters, lawyers and egos have just been pushing chores and crap on us for so many years now that they have completely, and i mean 1000% completely lost sight of making an enjoyable video game experience FIRST AND FOREMOST. this game is just RNG chore’a’thon now with a hundred pointless and aggravating systems. after having given a few months to FF through its free trial ( and im now a paying customer ) i cannot give blizzard anymore money if i just outright compare the quality of the 2 games. im cancelling my sub in a little over a week to wow.

blizzards disdain and disgust with there own playerbase. the complete lack of respect for there players ( let alone there own staff ), and the absolutely appalling state of the game means they arnt worth anymore money. having Ion the lawyer robot beep borp onto a stage or screen to lie to the playerbase is disgusting compared to the FF team. its night and day the difference in the passion and love for there game and playerbase ( except for poor scholar players. RIP ). when FF has grinds, they are purely optional. in wow its mandatory, if you fall behind a week, your just perma behind. for something you are FORCED to do if you want to do anything competitive.

and the great thing about FF is that RNG gearing isnt what the game is about. its got a million horizontal progression paths for you to enjoy the game literally however you want. gear means nothing if you dont want it to. in wow, the only character progression you have is gear. more RNG drops, pray to RNGesus for drops.

ive been playing this game for almost 20 years now. its sad to even think that. and after 3 months of FF, it made me realise how poorly blizzard have been treating us for so long. there is no love in this game anymore. the only singular department i can say at blizz that do there jobs well is the audio and music departments. not even the art team is worth praising when i look at what is getting made in FF.

i feel ashamed of playing wow as long as i have. its a terrible game compared to FF.

" a smile better suits a hero ". if you know, you know


No, I dont. Most people I used to play with since I moved from EU servers still play to this day.

i think they even said they want u to play other games too. u finish thats good we’ll get more out and u come back for that. thats what i call respect for players time


Now that I think about it, the one thing they could do that would show actual direct results is hiring people who actually like the game/franchise and play it.

Devs who trully care about a game instead of devs who are there only for their paycheck yield entirely different products.


^ right here. clean house and get devs who care


I don’t think so. The desire for e-peen in this game is so insanely strong. And the higher end difficulty is hard enough to where the average player cant do it.

Everyone talking about players leaving, I’m sure they have. But the overwhelming majority of them dont affect me. The past two days have been the busiest boost days I’ve seen since the beginning of the expansion. it’s like wow welfare checks went out or something.

Or wow stimulus checks hahaah

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Not so much as fully clearing house, Art and Tech guys are trully S tier. Mr. Ion is probably among the best raid designers in the industry, I think he should be allowed to focus on what he enjoys the most.

I’m sure there are other devs who are just being forced to work on things they don’t care about, and yes sadly it seems there are some devs who just hate the game.

You just stated a list of things that mean absolutely nothing to me. You know what ff14 doesnt have? Good combat. You know what ff14 doesnt have? An endgame. You know what ff14 has way too much of that wow doesn’t? Cut scenes

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  • Remove most burrowed power systems. Having gear like teir sets and a single thing like legendaries is more than enough.
  • Add something like player housing that uses all professions. For example us decorate a room in our order halls, and you craft the things with professions.
  • Class/spec balencing and identity still needs to be addressed/expanded upon.
  • Talents (imo) need to be totally overhauled into something that isn’t “raid or mythic+” talent choices.
  • More end game casual loops like korthia but that aren’t insane grinds that need to be done multiple times on alts.

This is my wishlist. Hopefully some things come to fruition soon.


ions fine i mainly reference jeff. the way that guy acts i cant even imagine working with the dbag in the office

Everything has it’s time. A beginning and an ending. The inbetween well who knows.

Com…commu… community…cation…no…Kate Middleton…, no…communist…no, it’s on the tip of my tongue

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drop the pandering, get a new dev at the top who’s willing to make the game for fun and not for investors.


It is empty and the number of expansions means everything is so far away from each other that its rare to see players. Old orgrimmar and shattrath are packed in tbc but are more concentrated play areas. So they need like mega servers for retail to capture that. But how to achieve is the issue.

“Wisdom.” :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


If the globe Algalon is looking at is Azeroth

then I would assume the World Map we see in game is just laid flat but is the entire world (as we know it). However that means nothing since this is a video game Blizz can do whatever they want

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fix the Faction Imbalance. I’m dead serious. Either we have to enable cross play and make the factions a PVP only factor, or abolish the concept of a hard Horde v Alliance narrative in favor of a more Cold War-esque tense but somewhat functional working relationship.

Seriously, if we can’t do that, we can’t get this game working. There are many problems but that I think is the biggest, most pressing one that people aren’t really taking seriously. Something has to be done. At the moment, there’s simply far too many Horde to Alliance, and that’s a problem for both. The Horde is overfull and they’re basically all competing for a limited Alliance PVP resource and with each other for PVE content.

Alliance is basically stuck being in a dead end rut and being vastly outnumbered by Horde in PVP and for PVE Content, so why not just jump ship to Horde? It creates this endless kind of feedback. Horde’s overcrowded, Alliance is undercrowded, and we have no real way to fix this at the moment. Plus I think after a Fourth War, the Alliance v Horde conflict needs to really go away for a long time, because how many times can we have ‘and then the Horde go to Civil War and everyone wins’

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It’s pay to win so just rack up WoW tokens and buy your way through the game. This is a big issue and I refuse to fall into that.

Nothing is going to save WoW. WoW is pretty much toast at this point. Why? Well honestly it’s because a small minoritiy of players have direct access to the Devs and the Devs only view 2 forms of content as content worthy of development.

WoW won’t bring back the millions it’s lost because there are other MMORPGs who don’t impose imbalanced classes, force you to manually go find a group, and doesn’t make raiding/M+ the centerpieces of the game.

WoW is like an aging dinosaurs. And the players who defend WoW are the same type of person who would defend the beeper as cell phones became more prominent.


the removal of ion