So what will it take to save WoW?

Thats pretty sad. I don’t see any real WoW replacements if WoW were to shut down. But i’m sure i’ll find something if WoW dies. I’ll play till they announce game shut down. Then i’ll find something else. But it is pretty sad but I had fun and i’ll try to squeeze the last bit of fun out of it before its gone for good.

There’s only one way out. Rated Battle Grounds.

It won’t shut down [just yet]. You have everquest on their like 20 something expansion. WoW is on it’s what… 9th, … everything has a life cycle so unless they shut down for some reason. It’ll be around for a long while.

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Blizzard is owned by a publicly traded company. That means investors are all that matter. They are still generating profits. ED went from medium population to high. I have also noticed less elitists or people who wait for some content creator to tell them what to do. As far as I’m concerned the player exodus is removing the players no one wants. That’s a good thing. Now, if the people who quit would just leave the wow forums and go post on the games they are playing that would be great but they won’t. They know full well they will be back. Sigh.

Honestly just Blizzard rethinking how someone wants to spend their time in the game.

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Fixing some actual problems couldn’t hurt. Like altering female blood/void elves’ bow shooting animation just a little more, so that their bowstrings DO NOT cut through their chests AT ALL, instead of only cutting into them a little less than before.

And fixing other clipping issues as well, like my character’s arms cutting right through her shield when running with it on her back.

They could also either bring back the first aid profession, or make cloth stop dropping for people who have no use for it. Or at least make the stupid post master stop mailing it back to us, when we intentionally leave it behind.

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Free to Play.

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except, cyberpunk is now a dead game with all the issues they never fixed

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Who is this classic WoW Nelf doomsayer? :rofl::rofl::rofl:

Weird that I’m still here if that’s no longer the case.

It would take getting the lawyers out of the CEO position.

A game barely holding on and has been in catastrophic freefall all year is not fine. Losing 50% of the players base after launch, then losing 50% of that in the next quarter is not okay. 9.1 flopped and now they are trying to love bomb 9.1.5 in an desperate attempt to stop the hemorrhaging of players. However 9.1.5 isn’t anywhere close to enough.

SL is unsalvageable, instead of #PullTheRipCord they should just #PullThePlug

Blizz forgot an important fact that if you #PullTheRipCord too late you still die on impact. So 9.1.5 is too little too late. The rest of this year will end very badly for this game and franchise. SL is the WoW killer. We had a good run.


It’s fine.

There is no evidence to support that claim. As mentioned above and I’ll link again. Everything statistically points to historic in game losses in every metric. SL is the largest player loss of all time. If you want to ignore the current state of the game, coolzies.


That is not evidence but cute try. I hope no one uses that site as it’s hilariously wrong, not sure why it is even around still. I already listed some of the statistics though. By year end WoW will dip below 1 million subs for the first time. It’s getting close. Player participation is massively down in every area of the game from PvE to PvP.

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They need to get away from these complicate systems they have been giving since since Legion .

If they want to give us a borrowed power system for an expansion , then add another talent row where the abilities can be either and active push one or a passive one and at the end of the expansion the abilities are replaced by new ones in the following expansion .

Make instance gear upgradeable not via WF or TF but via things like valor like they do M+ gear so that we have more control over our power progression .

THey just need to go to a Keep It Simple Stupid approach instead of the Scope Creep of adding systems upon systems with each patch .

WoW will not be dying any time in the foreseeable future. Assuming I am still on this earth and able to play a video game, I fully expect to be here for the 40th anniversary celebration.

By the time WoW turns 50 I myself will be pushing 90, so I may not be around for that.

Now if the Internet implodes, well, all bets are off.

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This has to end honestly. The systems put in an expansion should be built on in the next expansion. Ripping them out every expansion and starting over with detached unfinished systems that don’t work till the very end of an expansion to only be ripped out is a cycle that has to stop.

They should of kept the BFA essence system. It was the best system they ever made and functioned like WotLK glyphs. They should of kept it as it complemented everyone specs and you could easily switch builds/essence to the content you were doing. The only thing Blizz got right in the last few years was this and they ripped it out in SL. Real shame.

It already died though. I mean what is your definition of dying? If a game has 6 million subs and drops down to 3 million subs it is in fact dying, it lost half it’s population. It makes people say hey why did 3 million players leave, that game is dying I don’t want to join that. Everyone is leaving.

This is why MMOs try to hide Sub counts to control the narrative. However WoW lost 50% of it’s population twice this year. Anyway you cut it the game has died and the future doesn’t look better.

First of all we need to define what does saving mean, to me it means a population of around 7-10M active players.

As such, I think you need content for those 7-10M players. Not all of them will want to raid, not all of them will want to dungeon/M+, not all of them will be engaged in the “end game”.

For the longest time, the dev team have been stuck in a cycle of “extending the track”… You have your Raiding track (lfr to mythic),
The dungeon track (normal to M+),
Then you have a bit of daily content that supports power progression in those tracks
Finally an xpac or patch gimmick tacked on.

The formula needs to be changed to save wow, because ~8M players decided its bad and have stopped playing and new ones are not coming in to fill the space.

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