So uh what now

Yea I 100% don’t agree with it but he’s one of those people that can’t be wrong

game literally has zero players and he’s trying to make OP leave the game too


i don’t think i have ever in the last 6 years queued for more than an hour without fighting at least 1 shockingly good team that later turned out to be on a huge climb past me. that’s just wow, it’s more reliable than queueing into pikaboo+viewer

let me clarify my challenge; if you think you could discern that you are fighting an extremely challenging, high skill team at 1600-1800-whatever mmr this season, without seeing some numerical demonstration of their past rating, i don’t believe you.

this is interesting because not once here have i taken aim at denigrating people who achieved whatever in unchained or sinful or shuffle. no stray shots. they are useful to this argument as empirical demonstrations of the fact that there are some contexts in which it’s much easier to climb to a high rating number than it was in 2v2 or 3v3 arenas in grievous season or eternal season or both df seasons. neither the text nor the subtext is “these gladiators are less real than others”, it’s “these players that once achieved whatever aren’t at all guaranteed to be better than you

everyone in a toxic relationship with wow should dump it. i am a better person than you if i am the only one of us that can claim to believe that
my queues do not deserve to be shorter, nor my climb to 2100 easier, on the backs of people who hate playing wow doing it anyway because they’re too skinnerboxed to realize that they aren’t having fun

its because efx wont tell blizzard to buff inflation

Guy is too busy trying to argue with me over air.

Should make me the arena community council rep instead

Being frustrated doesn’t make playing the game toxic lol

Some people like to experience emotion and rant

I do think however, think if you frustrate people enough they will leave


I even said it was fine when it was occasional. It’s just so often now, my last queue session was into roughly 50% past glads.

Yes, some games I can tell they are just way better than me+teammates. I check afterwards since the game feels impossible and oh wow its a multiglad alt team again. I fought against a team of skillcapped (dunno if I can mention names) guide writers at 1600. I’m not a glad player or close atm but why am I fighting these people consistently?

They have way higher ratings in seasons I’ve played how is that not way better than me? Ive peaked 2100 once in BFA s4, yes a BFA S4/SL S2 glad is going to be significantly better.

:dracthyr_hehe_animated: Thats like your whole argument is that their rating and past achievements mean nothing.

I’m not complaining about my rating I don’t care, I want games with people around my skill level and progress that way.

How is it entitlement to want to climb if you queue and think you’re doing alright for your MMR compared to previous seasons? The vast swing in how climbing each season feels just blatantly dumb.

I agree, balance doesn’t feel too bad–I’d have more fun playing if it just didn’t feel moot.

I’m fine with that. I play for cosmetics, you play because you find arena super fun, it’s cool.

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Whats so wrong with playing for cosmetics/rewards anyway? I play for fun but I dont understand this weird purist obsession with only playing for fun.
It’s not like they hate the game some people are just more reward and goal focused so they derive their fun from improving and hitting their goals. Nothing wrong with that at all.

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I mean, yeah, I duno. I like it enough to do it obviously, but if I didn’t get cool stuff for doing it I probably wouldn’t find the game interesting enough to play.

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it sounds like you’re making a distinction between frustrations that i don’t agree with but do recognize. i don’t see a point in trying to argue that one.

to my sensibilities there’s several sides of the problem.

  • i can’t gain rating, so the game isn’t fun
  • the game is dead, so i can’t get games and the ones i do get i only get the same few opponents, so the game isn’t fun
  • the game is so dead that the amount of mmr a great team loses after they drop 2 games in a row puts them in my bracket

all 3 of these things are probably fixable this solitary season by buffing mmr, but the first one has zero to do with the actual gameplay, and i think trying to make fixes to it is inherently doomed. i don’t believe the people making that first complaint actually enjoy pvp, so trying to keep them engaged in pvp long term seems like a waste of dev time to me on one hand and, brusquely, an abuse of the mentally tiny on the other. i sympathize with the other two, and i even agree with the middle one.

either you have improved a lot this season(congratulations) or you are dealing with my 3rd bullet point

yep, there it is. sorry. i don’t relate but i sympathize. i’ve lost to talbadar soda and envious before on their alts(which is what i assume they were playing when you lost to i assume them), and it didn’t bother me.

my whole argument is that all rating and past achievements mean nothing. not unchained, not grievous, not crimson. the more recent a season is, the more likely that achievements from that season are correlated with being a good player. but there is no past arena achievement that guarantees the person you are playing against, on the spec they’re playing, is an unfair matchup for you and the achievement resume you might be self-conscious about.

that’s fair; THAT isn’t “entitlement”, but it is “being mistaken about ‘your mmr compared to previous seasons’”. that’s a wildly zigzagging target blizzard has not restored any consistency to, but this season is only unique about that because it’s so low. i’m guessing, but the amount by which you might have overshot your cosmetic goals in unchained probably didn’t seem very important at the time. but it’s the exact same thing that’s happening now, in the other direction. the actual skill, knowledge, practice, synergy, meta adherence and networking required to hit X rating in Y season is always arbitrary, that’s all i’m trying to say.

I’ve already made a post about it and bumped my old one from s1. I’m not going to spam create the same topic because they read every thread and forward it to the departments the threads are about.

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I’m playing casually at dead times and still 2100+. Stats aren’t good, playstyle isn’t something i que either. If you’re stuck sub 2k as a healer you’re probably just bad.

I’d be higher if I didn’t see healers going 5-1 for a +0 and negative mmr at 2200. This is a problem at the higher end. The mws that push above 22 are extremely lucky. Not worth the gamble since the only thing I want is being able to upgrade gear for random heroics. I got 2100 in 2s.

Even at 0400 I haven;t seen longer than three minutes. If anything late night ques are more active than they were last night. I made several posts about 10 min ques that were related to last night.

You don’t see a problem with the frequency of facing these players at low ratings? When it’s occasional it’s a fun insight into the higher tier of gameplay but when it’s so often you just feel like fodder for these players.

I mean I’m facing a lot of multiglads with recent achieves its not only ‘free’ glad peakers.

Yes, that is why I don’t want to face glads so often at my bad ratings. Hope you feel better about yourself.

to be clearer, i recognize what you’re talking about, i just mean that it doesn’t bother me personally. to me it’s more annoying to lose to a counter comp than to be “unfairly” matched against great players at ratings they don’t usually occupy. on that point my ambivalence is 100% personal, no soapbox.

regrettably, this makes it clear you are not reading what i post. i will not waste your time further.

ded game ggwp

Of course you wouldn’t care because you are already a multiglad, those games are normal for you, you just see them a little earlier. You aren’t suddenly going against people that eclipse you in skill at low ratings.

I read what you wrote but completely disagree with what you say.

That was last ssn chief

you got 3k last season

even if u had another account, saying ur playing at 2100 proves everyone’s point


Nah dude, past experience means nothing. :crazy_face:
Bathrobe the multi glad at 1700/ + 1500 on alt boomy sees nothing wrong with fighting other mglads at this rating.

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x-files music



I have three accounts
the one I’m 2100 on in multiple brackets on is the same thing I just said?

Are you stupid? Pushing beyond the deflation cap is meh, because its more luck than anything.

I checked the top% mw for this season and its only 2300 or so. Why would I push higher when going 4-2 is a negative?

point still stands. if you’re 1600 that’s 600 below the mmr cap and ur bad. Shut up.

cool you’re proving everyones point thank you for coming to the thread boo
