So uh what now

What a weird post. I’m so tired of people gatekeeping achievements from different seasons. Just rework the entire thing already so I can stop reading “you got x in x season and realistically it’s y”. Numbers are just so meaningless anymore but people still hold onto them.


You cannot gatekeep something someone already has? Are you aware of what that term even means?

percenatile position on the ladder is the most meaningful number and it is what is used to jump to certain conclusions(which may be hurtful :frowning: )

the takeaway should be “you got x in x season and realistically that can’t be used to extrapolate anything meaningful at all, there is no such thing as a y player”

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Play semantics all you want, you know exactly what I’m saying. Quit being obtuse.


:flushed: :flushed: :smiley:
mhmm i agree with this. there are several people on these forums that match exactly that description. wont say anything else on that dont wanna get spam reported. but i see em in LFG advertising 3200xp 1500cr LF similar. and then i armory them and yeah they got all their rating in slands

quit trying to argue with me because you took my take personally.

You have some work to do on the 4 paragraph essay telling blizzard to inflate the ladder so people start playing!

I didn’t take it personally, I just get annoyed with everyone here constantly egoing about how their rating means more or someone’s means less because they got it in a different season or expansion.


I wonder when the copium runs out for hardcore arena players

There simply isn’t enough of a player base to be acting elitist at this point

probably time to start implementing changes to pvp to attract the casual, but stay true to the game (not solo shuffle.)

Things that come to mind:

Nerfing classes that are extremely unpleasent to fight against that have way to much cc (Warlock/sub rogue/mage,) and cranking mmr

110k active pvpers, being generous by saying the average person has 2 alts you’re looking at like 30k pvpers lol

wasn’t there like 15k gladiators in s2 shadowlands?


How would he take it personally? Efx isn’t a 2700 Unchained player. Maybe he just thinks it’s weak to see a group of people gang up on a low XP player who thinks he shouldn’t be playing into 2700 players at whatever rating he’s at in enough of his games for him to take notice. (and he shouldn’t be)

You can make posts about Hpal, and Rogues but this guy isn’t allowed to vent? Game sucks for everyone right now, trying to argue which seasons you and Murphy respect achievements more than others doesn’t change that he’s going against a lot better players than he usually does due to people quitting and deflation.


No he has a 3000 word essay to write about:

i disagree with the foundational idea that “2700 player” means anything whatsoever

everything ive said in this thread stems from that

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Using stuff like this, and you saying you still like queuing on posts once in a while obviously can’t escape you that the majority of people say they aren’t happy with the game right now, right? Like genuinely happy you’re having fun (honestly mean it) but the vast majority of people I’ve seen speak on it say they aren’t. Surely they have some valid points?

I actually think balance feels okay MMR just sucks.

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they are validly confessing to allowing blizzard to give them either an addiction or an entitlement

yes, it’s obvious most of the vocal players of arena right now are unhappy that rating feels bad. i consider that entirely distinct from how the game actually feels to play. i have been someone that only enjoys the game when my rating goes up, regardless of winrate or gameplay or quality of opponent, and it’s a point of pride that i am better than that person today. i can’t overstate how little i respect a failure to personally divorce “fun gameplay” from “rating go up”

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There’s no way you actually think this

I’ve seen :fries: less fried than that

there’s no ad you can run for the shadows in the cave that make them sound interesting if you know what’s actually casting them


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i’m really not trying to be contrarian

to be clear, i hope they do increase mmr. but the only argument i’ve yet seen in favor of it that i agree with is “it would entice more players to queue up, and i want more diversity in opponents and available teams”. and i think it’s worth remembering that “it would sucker more casuals into lining up to get hazed by gladiators” is not the same thing as making meaningful changes that cement players’ enjoyment of the gameplay itself

i couldn’t care less what they do with shuffle about deflation, but it’ll shock me if catering to that bucket with no bottom doesn’t eventually fail to retain enough healers to keep queue times under 2 hours no matter what rating they let people aim for.


Why doesn’t it? Why should lower skill/experience players be lumped together with people that have drastically different skill levels from them? Rating is meant to be a sort of skill progression and suddenly going up against these people so often is a pretty frustrating time. Let me slowly work my way up to these people.

Even if they got 2700 in a ‘free’ season it’s still way higher than 1600 or whatever low rating they are playing at. Just because it’s not a ‘true’ glad or whatever gatekeeping term you want to use to diminish their glad title doesn’t mean it’s not real.
It’s also not just sls2 glads like everyone seems to assume Personally, I’ve fought quit a few rank 1s at 1700. It’s not as often but there are many consistent glads on alts (of the same class and spec) around there too.
I want to fight people around my own skill level and progress by beating slightly better teams. I don’t want to ping pong from a regular player to a glad of whatever caliber every other game.
Occasionally it is fun to fight a glad on an alt just to see how you match up or what they do differently, but doing it so often is just draining and demotivating.

He’s trying to say a 2700 player is as good as the players in OP’s lobby regardless (I think)

Well that’s just completely wrong no matter how free they think the season was.