So uh what now

No players in LFG, I’m qued as healer for solos and have been in que for 15 minutes now. Where do we go to play the game? Is 2’s the only active bracket?


You got a 15 min queue as a healer?

If accurate, pack it up forum team. Let’s put arena in hospice care and allow it to die with dignity.


I got in at 16 mins I was 1670 mmr and everyone else in the lobby was 1850-1950 lmao. Went 3/3 and actually gained 35 points which is rare.

It’s 6 AM in California and 9 AM in New York and people do sleep and work

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I don’t really like this argument for WoW. This game has always been so popular I’ve been able to do anything at any time of day/night in it. If it’s now like a lot of other games I’ve played (which have since died) and you can only find people at prime time hours it’s concerning.


While, I do agree, 16 mins for a Healer is insane. Healers months ago had instant queues at all hours of the day.

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Pretty sick of this game. Went 0/6 last 2 games vs 2 healers who are 2700 xp and 2200 cr on their dps specs.

You literally have to be multi glad / r1 to climb out of 1600. This game is so disgusting right now.


I think this is more of an issue with your gameplay than the enemy healers skill level.

That being said the capped mmr is killing the game which is actually good gameplay wise not including rogues or demos

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You’re right. A 1600 player going against a 2700+ player is perfectly balanced.


understandable. Soloq has been in shambles for months and all we get from blizzard is “we’re working on it” from the past 5 months and not a word after lol. I guess we’ll get a tiny update of “we’re still working on it” in december?


Ur not fighting 2700 players

Ur fighting career 2100-2400 players playing mega alts that peaked 2700 in shadowlands season 2 with inflation

Wana put a $1000 bet on that?

I would put a 1000$ bet that ur making multiple major mistakes on disc priest every round of every lobby

No no no don’t back out now. $1000 that I’m not facing 2700 xp players. You want to be toxic and accuse people of lying. Lets make the bet. We can have other players here join my discord and we can do it right now.


See I think there’s a misunderstanding.
I’m not denying the players you are fighting are 2700xp. I’m telling you that them having a career high of 2700 doesn’t make them 2700 players. Especially if they are fighting to climb out of the 1600 shuffle bracket lmao


That’s literally your 2700 3s achievement lol

My 2700 achieve was in the first 6 weeks of season 1 slands tho?

Being 2700 doesn’t make you 2700 ok. You are making sense.

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it shows it was obtained 8/24/2021 and google says SL season 2 started on 7/6/2021 unless that is incorrect

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If you play in the nba and then you get cut and never make it back then you aren’t an nba player.

Stop crying on the forums as a form of cope.

Yes the game sucks because of deflation

We get it.

You are only here because you are upset about getting 6-0d. We get it.

What’s the name of the player that 6-0d you?

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