So... there's 5th Old God?

So about Ghuun … was there anything special the titans had to do to “make” him or was he just the result of cutting a sample off of an existing Old God and letting it grow? Would this put the sha in the same category as Ghuun, cuttings of Y’shaarj that, over the ages, started to grow into entities of their own? By going around squishing Old Gods for the past decade or two, have we been setting in motion a future catastrophe of outbursts of sha-like horrors from around each corpse?

Canonically we actually have no idea how many old gods their are across both timelines and their planets, their whole thing is they’re lovecraftian eldritch horrors, they are but aren’t. they’re not a limited pantheon like the titans and primalists

According to the lore they experiment by dissecting the old gods and inadvertently made g’huun. His powers are described as pestilence and rot. None of the old gods we have encountered have used those methods, cthun was madness, yogg was nightmare, yshaarj was fear and nzoth was subterfuge. Makes me wonder if he’s made from part of the 5th one. We are seeing a lot of rot in DF, stuff we haven’t seen outside of G’huun, and the gnolls are worshiping something providing the rot magic


Yes and it’s Azeroth

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Sargaeras was killing all world souls and all life weather or not it was corrupted so there couldn’t be a chance. That was why he became an enemy of the pantheon

Why would sargeras care about the weather?

This makes no sense. Azeroth is the planet. Old Gods were sent by Void Lords to corrupt planets believed to have world souls.

climate change bro

Technically there are prob hundreds or thousands of old gods. Though we have known there was a 5th somewhere on azeroth, nothing stops another one from invading the planet from another planet.

Like some have already said, I think it’s Xal’atath. Been really annoyed Blizz introduces her/it to us and then that’s it and leaves us hanging with nothing. I’ve been interested in her story since she sold me out and I want satisfaction.

Even if she/it isn’t an Old God I still want more of her story. Getting annoyed with Blizz introducing stories and then they either make them “Poof!” away or skim over them with no real closure.

Legion kinda ripped the lid off a few game mysteries that weren’t nearly as cool as the community assumed. The Quel’dorei couldn’t continue living in Tisifal because they were going mad and hearing old god whispers but I can walk around with this fancy knife in my backpack without having my soul chewed up and corrupted. How is my spriest’s will stronger than freaking deathwing’s :thinking:

That’d more likely be the Void Lords. I’d think they’d be the Eternal Ones/Titan equivalents. I’m not sure if Xe’ra might be on that tier, or if she’s more of just a regular naaru but in charge, and there’s something more above them, “Light Lords”.

Maybe it’s based on time of exposure?

Cosmologically speaking, I hope not.

The Light taken to extreme should be blind unity. A sort of crazed zealotry… The only thing greater than the Naaru should be “The Light” itself (notice “The” singular).

We already know there’s a singular being that represents each cosmological sphere above whatever the pantheon is.
There’s definitely going to be a pantheon in charge of each sphere as well.
I’m also curious to see what the Fel version of the Titans are.

There was an Old God minion called Zakajz The Corruptor. In previously lore about Tyr, it was fighting him where Tyr fell in battle. But in the Holy Paladin and Shadow Priest Legion artifact questchain, we find that he was not killed but chained up. He was the entity whispering to the Menethil Dynasty, I making them crazy. I believe he was a General of Yogg-Saron.

That’d actually be cool. She could be shady and all that while being good and in that case, could represent the new Void Blizzard is trying to make now. Though it seems every old god was not as bad, not only her.

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You’re all fools!

What we need is another expansion with goth mommy Sylvanas as the 5th old god.

My theory here Xal’atath is an Old God, her power rivals to Y’Shaarj and other 3 Old Gods turn on her and bind her into dagger for their own ambitious goal.

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I want the 5th old god to be super polite and nice. Just a total inversion of what we’d expect. Like she’d still want followers for her cult but isn’t pushy about it. Something that completely takes the Heroes of Azeroth by surprise and left wondering “How are we dealing with this?”

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It should be noted that there are more Old Gods, a lot more. These 5 Old Gods were the only ones that landed on Azeroth.

The Void (the void lords) had sent forth much much more Old Gods to infest Titan planets and there should be others on some other planets that We have not encounter yet.