So... there's 5th Old God?

The 5th old god binding with what’s left of galakrond or iridikron. I have a feeling the start of our timelines Murazond is gonna rear it’s head this expansion to. And there better be ramifications for us traveling back in time and nzoth reading our minds and learning everything that’s gonna happen

So… there’s 5th Old God?

Yes. Tentacles McGee of the Chicago McGee’s.

Another thing to keep in mind is we now know that our knowledge of the Black Empire is not complete, that there was a cover up enacted by…think it was Odyn.

I’m curious to find out what all that means.

Yea the titans aren’t benevolent or friendly. Them and the void are 2 sides or the same coin

2 sides of the same die :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: since we have 6 sides…

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We’ve known this for a while, this was datamined in Beta, and unless the devs were messing with us on purpose (which I guess is always a possibility, try to teach us not to datamine lol), the next zone is underground.

And since someone will say this is a bad photoshop or such, here’s an “article” from Icy Veins about it back when it was datamined:

I hope we get to explore black empire ruins down there.
I’m thinking we’ll also run into the new dwarves, and that they’ll be some customization options we unlock.
The bad dude freed at the end of the raid is the earth themed incarnate, so following him underground makes a lot of sense, he probably underwent some old god corruption same as Neltharion. There’s also old god whispers about us following a he underground.

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Yea. I’m 100% sure those prisons didn’t block out old god whispers. Razageth is the only one that wasn’t subject to em being trapped in another realm and all

Honestly, part of me hopes Sabellian is corrupted and he’s pretending to try to get us on his side to use us to restore N’zoth in some way.

That whole theory that N’zoth knew how we would “kill” him and set up a plan to be "revived’ because he read our mind when we went back in time in Thaldraszus makes a lot of sense - if he had successfully corrupted Sabellion to use him as an instrument of resurrection it’d be a neat twist.

Sabellion’s arrival was too convenient - there’s no way he would’ve heard the call of the Dragon Isles on another Planet.

I’m banking on it being wrathion and the knife. It’s a prison and he stabbed nzoth. I’m wondering if nzoth put part of himself in there as a contingency plan and has been slowly influencing wrathion all this time


Unsurprising it was suspected there was a fith old god for years now just was never confirmed :dracthyr_shrug:

I also have a theory of my own that Xal’atath is actually Y’shaarj.

In his (or, I guess her) dying breath, she put her soul into her claw and detached it - creating the Dagger, and she’s been recovering this entire time until we stupidly let her out. And then the Sha were expelled because without a consciousness, everything just spewed out.

We know Y’shaarj was the “most cunning” of the Old Gods - it’d make sense she’d sell out N’zoth to plot on her own.


The video of Razageth being sucked into a void portal was kinda odd though. I wonder if that’ll be explained at some point.

None of the stuff with N’zoth has made sense. I still think the Xalatath dagger plays some role in it. We dunno where the dagger went. It imprisoned what may very well be an old god. Sounds like a great makeshift phylactery.
Plus there’s the whole testing us to be his champions thing with that mini-raid.

I always think back on one of the well known Lovecraft quotes “That is not dead which can eternal lie, And with strange aeons even death may die.”

Still think N’zoth knew about Zovaal and what he was trying so set us up to go take him out to better enact his plans later.

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Yshaarj supposedly has 7 heads and was the most embedded in azeroth. I doubt amanthul completely killed it when he pulled part of it out. I mean, it’s heart was still beating in MoP

Yea I’m totally on board with nzoth pulling string still. He’s played the long game well before any of us reared our heads. Him setting us up to stop zovaal from rewriting reality which would in essence destroy the old gods is on brand for him. I also have a feeling that Nozdormu has been compromised by the old gods for a long time, unknowingly, hence how the old gods know all possible futures. I think the transformation to Murazond is the culmination of that theory

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Whenever this WoW ends, as in servers shutting down, I want it to be with the void lords winning, azeroth is now a void lord and the server shut down with everything consumed by void. They they can make a modern wow 2 or even warcraft 4 starting with the progenitors making new creations (us) to fight against the void

Here we go again with probably a Jailer type bad guy. Here we go again… Will wait and see before I decide to smash the unsub button…

the original book in teh OP has been around since vanilla saying 5 . the new one we find is just a copy with someones thoughts scribbled on teh pages .

Old Kingdom finally done right plus mega dungeon?

I still can’t shake the whispers from The Black Locus.

I don’t think we’re getting everything on this just yet.

I truly hope this is the last expansion we see Nozdormu “whole” (maybe as time traveling younger versions of himself or fragments in places), and Murazond goes Jet Li’s the One, traveling through time to grow in power after this void corruption finally shatters his former self.

Nozdormu kicked the dracthyr in motion to “fix” this, and it would only be justice to see him quickly removed from the playing field.

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You will follow him to the deep places. The dark waters will flow in his wake.

We are definitely going underground to chase Iridikron and the other primal aspects.

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