So... there's 5th Old God?

Apparently we one more Old God who is still around…


we knew that for years. We just thought 5th one was consumed by brothers


It’s been known there’s been a 5th, we just haven’t met them yet.

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I never knew that. ><


This leaves me curious as well. I do have a theory, however.


As the Black Blade she has shown to have powers rivaling that of the Old Gods, and that was her just being an (extremely powerful) stabby tool. With her being granted freedom for assisting N’zoth in gathering those three McGuffins in BfA, she has not been seen since.

Perhaps a stretch but I will say this: She’s much too powerful to be a mere minion.


Yes we have,
It’s Magni.
In 12.2.5 we find out all the Azerite we have been collecting was for him, he was hungry so we were basically Door Dash for him.


Yeah, some of us thought Blizz forgot they said there were 5 originally. I wonder if this means we’ll finally meet them.

Xal’atath is a possibility but she struck me as being a step below Old Gods. Powerful, but not God level powerful imo. Anything is possible though.


Yes… we have.
Think… who has been pulling our strings for many expansions now. Who has manipulated us into doing it’s work for them?

Confirmed: M. Night Shamalingadingdong is the secret writer now.


Some thinks it’s G’hunn.


Oooo forgot about him. Another possibility.

But Blizz has named the other 4 so I would think if they would have explicitly said if G’huun or Xal’atath was the 5th one. Then again some of writing/lore has been convoluted for the last few expansions so maybe.

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Why not Jaina?

I’m sure some people would enjoy seeing her turn into a tentacle monster.


Some people still think she’s a deathlord. Can she both at the same time? :thinking:


She can be anything Steve Danuser wants her to be.


Y’Shaarj, C’Thun, Yogg-Saron and N’Zoth are the four commonly known old gods.

The fifth, G’huun, was sealed in Uldir.

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I don’t think that’s entirely accurate, and there’s some evidence to this!

G’huun was ‘created’ by the Titans as they tried to find out how to fix this Old God business, experimenting on the other subjugated Old Gods to achieve this.

Except instead of achieving anything, they accidentally made G’huun. Unlike the known four Old Gods it wasn’t on Azeroth since it’s near-beginning. While made of their essence I don’t think it counts as a ‘true’ Old God.

In addition, the original version of:

Was created in Legion patch 7.2.0. Well before BfA, and it references the five Old Gods. As such I have difficulty believing that anyone documented, let alone knew, of G’huun’s existance until the Blood Trolls started thinking it was a swell abomination and started worshipping it as a Loa.

And, as Trolls of just about any stripe seems to have some great issues getting along with anyone, including themselves, I don’t know who would be able to get to Nazmir in one piece to discover Uldir prior to the Zandalari joining up with the Horde.

…That and G’huun wasn’t really all that interesting. More loud than anything else.


G’Huun seemed inspired physically by the movie “Teeth”.
Anyone wants to argue? Ok…

I do agree, I always thought of G’hunn as a lesser old god.

There is as many old gods as Blizzard wants. I’m sure down the line some expansions from now we will be fighting the 6th and 7th ect old god. If blizzard cared about keep the story straight Shadowlands and the Jailer would have never happened.


Ugh please no more Old Gods I’m tired of them.

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