Azeroth is the 5th Old God

It’s pretty clear.

That’s why Sargeras tried to kill her, and that’s why the Titans tried to cleanse her with Arcane by ordering the world.

N’zoth’s whispers? “She sings our songs”, “She is beneath the waters” and bla bla?

Yeah, it’s Azeroth. And Yrel is coming to kill her and purge the world from darkness’ evil.

Mark my words.

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You’re the fifth old god! I saw it in a dream so it must be true.


Yeah, knowing what we know about the Light, I wouldn’t be surprised if Turalyon ended up as a zealot in the future, with Alleria having to tearfully put him down.


She’s not an old god. Old gods are a specific thing, sent from the void. She is a titan. But I do think she is going to turn out to already be corrupted.

I think the 5th old god is beneath the forbidden reach.

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You wait and see. We have been all manipulated by the Titans. Everything we know is a lie.


Especially the cake.


Wait and see what? She just isn’t. Like I said, I do think she is corrupted. But corrupted by the void wouldn’t transform her into an old god. It would just make her a void corrupted titan. That’s exactly why the void lords sent the old gods out into the universe.

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Wasn’t Ghuun an old god too making it six ?

I have never seen a male night elf with brown hair before.

I find it very unnerving… maybe you’re the 5th old god.

Azeroth is a world soul. It can be turned into a powerful titan or void lord depending on what influences it


Yall just spewing Titan propaganda. She will wake up and will face Yrel and the Army of the Light in a fierce battle like none other.

W e REALLY need to rip Magni away from it ASAP then… I don’t need a planet sized version of MAGNI “WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWOOOOOOOOOOOONZ!” Bronzebeard…

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titan propaganda would be saying all world souls are titans

He wasn’t a real old god. He was created by the titans’ experiments.

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The 5th Chaos God is Malal, or possibly the Great Horned Rat, or maybe the God Emperor of Mankind… There is some wiggle room here.

Azeroth is a tie-dye shirt with all the cawsmic influences

I told these silly Blood Elves that and they didn’t believe. The Void is chill and party. But noo, the giant lightbulb they have likes no party!

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I mean, if you’re gonna retcon your lore…that’s actually an acceptable way to do it, I suppose.

I’ve been wondering about how we’re gonna handle the fact that our planet is an egg and one day that chick’s gonna wanna hatch.

It’s…gonna be a problem.

Poor Magni. She’s been whispering in his head just like N’Zoth for years now. He’s an absolute lost cause. Now that Malfurion is gone, I’m kinda waiting for Illidan to return all sweaty and out of breath saying, “you guys…I was wrong about everything.”

I mean. At least it might be interesting?

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He stabbed at silithus , More specifically he stabbed at Cthuuns last known location.

Blizz showed art of 5 old gods a while ago I believe.