So Sylvanas does die according to dev interview

Perhaps I missed something but I’ve yet to see the night elven genocide glorified in any way, or that it was ever hinted to be as such.


Not interested in classic and I generally prefer the current Lion’s Rest to the Park District of old.

The orcs and draenei were the masters of their respective planets and now most of their people can live in one city. Also, no where has Blizzard said what Sylvanas did was justifiable.

Since there are not THE Warhammer Fantasy Elves but 3 of them, it’s hard to claim that in Fantasy, the Eldar are a different breed, there are factions in them, but they are only really one race, well, there are the Dark eldar, so maybe two^^

Choose whatever you like the most:

  • blizz showing it to make people cheer at blizzcon (multiple times)
  • blizz glorifying and excusing the ones who commited the crimes
  • blizz stating that Sylvanas isn’t evil in interviews
  • blizz writers stating that what sylvanas does is amazing on twitter
  • Blizz releasing a 300 pages sylvanas book about how genocide is right and how sylvanas did nothing wrong
  • Sylvanas returning to the Horde as if nothing happened and everyone forgets about Teldrassil and even the souls
  • Forum mods mocking night elf players with comments like “They can look forward to a nice pile of ash” when asked about what the night elves can look forward to in bfa


Point is that it was a night elf district.

Multiple times.

If they do a BFA style faction story split and there is an ‘evil’ Alliance theme going due to the Lightbound, Stormwind might be unsafe for awhile. Instead, the Kaldorei city could be a safe hub. Likewise, A new Forsaken city in Lordaeron would be ideal as a front that the Horde can use to base themselves out of.

They could also use the opportunity to refresh Stormwind with the Raid budget; the bean counters love squeezing value into developer time like that.

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Can’t believe that people genuinely think that the night elves would ever see a new home.

They can consider themselves lucky if they can keep darkshore, their last zone, for more than 1 expansion from now on.

And, I cannot believe you still play this game when you have apparently lost all hope and seem to only linger around to try to suck it out of anyone else. Seriously. Why are you paying $15 a month and tormenting yourself this way if you legit think what you are saying is the truth.

I’m not thinking it, I know it and it was proven correct that you’ll be right whenever you assume the worst for Night Elves.

See the joke of a resolution they got, and the lack of justice.
Almost as if it was predictable from the very point Tyrande got her revenge in 8.1.

It has been going consistently downhill for Night Elves for more than 4 years straight now, and people are telling me about a new home LOL

Conclusion of the war literally, canonly has status quo ante in Kalimdor plus a bunch of zones lost in Cata, where are you even your “the horde controls all of the north” nonsense

Night Elves only have Darkshore left as their own :woman_shrugging:

And this is most certainly not going to hold for very long. Give it 2 or 3 years and then darkshore is gone too.
Just like Azshara and Ashenvale. And Teldrassil.

So you seem the type to compound yourself with hysterics. Building upon layers of irrational anxiety till it really just becomes incoherent griping. The NEs are fine. Population numbers have never mattered in WoW, and if somehow the Draenei, Sin’dorei, Gnomer-Gnomes, Darkspear and Bilgewater can still mass produce soldiers for endless war … the NEs will survive their inexplicable choice to shove so much of their population in a 20 year old tree. Truly, they are just in same space nearly every other PC race is; and it might just mean they have to dial back on the 300 year naps so they can start spawning babies with a little bit more frequency.

They will be fine.

Well, they suffered the last genocide only 20 years before XD

they spread like rabbits, these night elves XD

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Every race does. Seriously, I half expect all these fools to have caves full of cloning or breeding facilities to keep supporting this ridiculous nonsense. It is bonkers. :rofl:

…but they are all settled in Hyjal right now. They never lost that zone. It was under the care of the Cenerion circle while it was restored, but it has long sense been repaired fully.

We know Darkshore is reclaimed, and likely Ashenvale was as well. We will finally get a proper status report on Ashenvale in the Exploring Azeroth: Kalimdor book due out next October, which should settle that mess for good.

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God I hope they do. Truly, the Horde players dont want Ashenvale. Its just a pain in the butt for us too that they’re keeping it in Limbo like this for so long.


If Ashenvale…had remained in Horde hands…which I don’t think it would, I’d be starting to really think…whether Blizzard just unintentionally wants to upset the night elves or whether they really have something against this fanbase


But you want a piece of it. At least Lenastus. He wanted a piece of Ashenvale, didn’t he? Seems like the area surrounding Hellscream Canyon. Or some kind of path …

Lenastus, yes. Me, hell no. Nothing would make me happier than for the Kaldorei to build a full on Feathermoon stronghold where the current Warsong Lumber camp is, and for us Reds to never step foot in that forest EVER again. I didn’t want to before the WoT either, since I grew more than sick of Tyrande spitting on my while I saved her damned husband in Val’sharah. But … Blizzard needed their plot device.


Didn’t you said the other day that you would prefer that:

Tell me, what’s wrong with all of you people, don’t you ever read the back story of an argument? The argument was about ALL of Ashenvale part of the horde, the scenario was this, if entire ashenvale remained in horde hands.