How Can We Redeem/Rebuild The Horde (Actual Horde Edition)

Will you post another slightly updated version?

The Alliance would still need the western part of Stonetalon, Desolace down to Feralas as a territory (western Feralas).

The Horde gets the narrow area in Ashenvale and I think that makes it technically fairer again. The island fenris as well as the area in the silver forest would also have to become bluish. I don’t think that the Wildhammer would give up Area Peak, I still don’t believe that, and because Arathi is now right next to it…it would make even less sense to give it up, because there is now a wide front of alliance support lines from Arathi over Hinterland to Gilneas.

And Val’Sharrah for example, is no alliance-Territory, its part of the cc and aszuna is still neutral too. So…its only horde and neutral and not horde/alliance/neutral land