So Sylvanas does die according to dev interview

The blood elves also had to reclaim their land, their homeland was _COMPLETELY_destroyed, overrun by undead and later the trolls joined them.

So it was a similar scenario to the WOT, the only difference is that we know how many blood elves died in that scenario, 90% of their people.

Yea, and they did so. And they had a city.

Which would be about equal to those Night Elves who died. Well, maybe more, since all 3 of their zones were completely wiped out.

They had to rebuild their city, this happened before they were playable, yes, it happened in off, but it was as worse as the night elves have to endure in their current realm.

we still don’t know how many night elves really died, what if it was only 60% ?(Would still be extremely bad…that would be more than half. When a nation loses 90% of its population…it is usually no longer called a nation).

Yea, and they did. And they have a home now, something the Night Elves will never ever have.

If all 3 of their zones were wiped out?..

So the blood elves aren’t a nation?

Also, the Night Elves aren’t a nation anymore, pretty sure it’s stated in a good war that the night elves have been ended as a nation. It’s also logical since they have no zones left, no home, their souls are obliterated and the one who did all of it was forgiven / got away with it.

nop, all of their 2 zones were wiped out, they haven´t tree in the first place.

they are a nation, they regrow, and their future is pretty bright, if you ask me. But back then, their nation was complettly destroyed, their culture almost entirely endet and in WC3, its even said, their culture was completly erased, something bc retconed later.

You don´t know if they get their areas back, all of them and are able to rebuild.

I’m talking about the Night Elves.

So the future of the Night Elves is dependant on a retcon that would not only make it so they still have zones, but their souls would also not have to be destroyed and be resurrected later. And they’d need a new home which isn’t going to happen in a million years.

And you’re telling me I should cling to this when the writers despite Night Elves, yeaaaa…

Obviously not Teldrassil or Ashenvale, and are you telling me that they should rebuild in Darkshore that is surrounded by Horde at this point? And with what population?

Also, Arthas wasn’t glorified as a hero for commiting genocide against the Blood / High Elves.

Oh for the love of the elements. For as long as WoW continues to exist we will always have have need of expansion hubs. As I have said before, I expect Blizzard will give the night elves/forsaken a new home either next expansion or the expansion after that and will probably be better looking then whatever they lost.(think Park District)

Yea… no. Not happening. Maybe the forsaken will get one but there’s no reason for blizz to give night elves a new home when they’re in the process of removing them from the game and story entirely.

the new park district make this place for humans, not for elves XD

Also that.

but…that means NOT; that they are preparing to delete night elves

Their zones are gone, their people dead, their souls obliterated, their home destroyed, their genocide glorified and those responsible getting away with it.

Yes they are.

Technically had something akin to it, kinda, no one lived on top of it, just at its roots; Arthas built his base camp after crossing Greenwood pass in the ruins.

Also ngl I’m still somewhat worried that Bliz is going to treat the lost cities the way it does Exodar and SMC.

i mean…three XD

Oh, oops.

Anyway yeah, like, the bliz devs are basically unlikely to delete a race, but I won’t lie and pretend it’s not frustrating that when it comes to nelves (and belves and draenei, too, really given how many died in BC, and arguably worgen and goblins, gnomes and darkspears) the solution often seems to handwave things the way Warhammer does: “There are always as few or as many elves as the plot demands”

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Because the Old Park District which was covered by human building was somehow a night elf district? If anything Lion’s Rest is a more neutral hub for every from the Alliance with a literally memorial for everyone who died on the Broken Shore.

Take a number from everyone from the humans, draenei, orcs, taurens etc.

Well feel free to go there in wow classic.

None of those races were erased like this, and the draenei genocide was atleast portrayed as something bad

Warhammer 40k, yes, but warhammer fantasy always did it better, and it dealt with it…differently.

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I thought that quote was specifically about WHF elves somehow being always on the verge of extinction but still in a position to field massive armies. TBF it could have been Eldar