So Sylvanas does die according to dev interview

Ok sorry i though that you was talking about the horde having part of it like the other here.

Than yeah i agree for Ashenvale not being all horde as i always ask for just a small part of it.

Again, not if the writers aren’t willing to let them be fine. And well, they aren’t, since things always go further downhill and never uphill again.

This has also never been stated, the only thing that was in Hyjal was the meeting with Tyrande, and there are even Horde members in Hyjal.

Where do we get that from when everything (including canon statements) suggests otherwise?

Yea… as if they’re going to mention Ashenvale in the first place. They’ll either ignore it or confirm it a Horde zone. Just like in Shadow’s Rising.

Many do actually, and seemingly, many also see Teldrassil as a good thing as I was told yesterday.

This wouldn’t be the deciding factor. This was already clear in the wat of thorns, but 8.1 and beyond, and especially the promised Shadowlands resolution that made things even worse just confirmed it even more.