So Sylvanas does die according to dev interview

He said” You loot her bow off her corpse”. So unless she’s brought back to life……

Sylavanas: Anime Laugh
Tyrande: Nani???!!!
Sylvanas: This isn’t even my final form
Nathanos transforms into glaives and then the ladies fight it out.

  1. He corrected himself
  2. Dying means nothing in Shadowlands, it depends on what happens to the soul
  3. There won’t be anything stopping Sylvanas from getting a pass and returning to the Horde after Shadowlands
  4. Those that wanted to bring Sylvanas to justice already gave up on it or forgave her (see Tyrande)

Don’t worry, Sylvanas will return to the Horde after Shadowlands as if nothing happened, they even made Tyrande forgive her after getting thoroughly beaten by her.

Do you seriously think they’d end Sylvanas’ arc instead of giving her even more expansions all for herself, letting her get away with everything and throwing cinematic after cinematic at her?

The game is World of Sylvanas now, where genocide and torturing children into oblivion is good if Sylvanas does it.


What the dev said was "you loot the bow off her…[long pause] um… er… her “corpse” " [big air quotes]

If you take that as confirmation you are kidding yourself…


Sylvanas is literally a banshee possessing her own corpse. So, could that be considered a “lore reveal”?

gl hf


We could kill her and still have her around with the whole fragmented soul from Frostmourne. Not sure if anybody would be happy about that but it is a possibility.

This is misleading. If you actually listen to the interview his tone of voice implies heavy heavy quotation marks.


I’m pretty sure the fact that she murdered Saurfang in cold blood bars her from any chance of going back to the Horde.


Yeah, Eth will never believe you on that.

But, generally, you are right. There is no chance that she is coming back to the Horde. Even IF Blizz pulls the soul-split excuse, even the “best” case scenario for Sylvanas is she merges back with her lost self and becomes the woman that died to create our Sylvanas we knew all this time. She might have the horrific memories and sins of the Banshee Queen pushed upon her too, but it wont be the Sylvanas the “loyalists” defend. It will be the Ranger General of Quel’thalas again.

EDIT: As for the OPs point. The Dev let slip we’d be looting from her “corpse”. But a Banshee does not leave a corpse. Which means nothing when it comes to Sylvie’s fate beyond her maybe losing that meat puppet she’s been rolling around in. Till we know the outcome of the Banshee form, we have no answers.


I really liked TaliesinAndEvitel’s theory on the subject. Sylvanas does die and we do get our vengeance, but the Jailer abandons her, and Sylvanas’ soul appears before the Arbiter. She then comes to the realization of what she’s done, and is left alone kneeling on the ground in soul form for the immediate future.

The best thing after for Sylvanas, one that does justice to her true character and not this mustache twirling persona, is to leave her on an ambiguous ending in the Shadowlands, off to redeem herself under advisory of the Eternal Ones. If the Primus can be sympathetic towards Zovaal (as he says in 9.1), I think he’d be sympathetic towards Sylvanas, one who thought she was fighting for what was ultimately right, but in the end was just another banshee pawn on Zovaal’s game.


We know very little about Zovaal, but based on how he operates there are a few peculiar things.

For one, up until very recently he has almost exclusively operated through proxy forces. Second, he seems to compartmentalize those proxies, with each having specific roles or duties they are expected to preform; but not necessarily having a clear picture of the entire vision (they’ve probably been left to fill in the blanks). And finally, third, every one of his major followers seems to have been convinced that HE is a means to THEIR ends. And all of them seem to have different ends. When the reality is the only ends that their ends are likely contributing to is his and his alone. Not one of them likely knows his true objectives. Just convinced they do.

Long story short. Yes, I do think that Sylvanas will get the Denathrius treatment at the end of the raid. I don’t know if she’ll “die”, but Big-Z is very likely going to Arrow in his Quiver her.


I agree entirely. I can already hear the final line of the Jailer before he goblin glides out into the inbetween: “Every soul has it’s purpose, and you have fulfilled yours.” Man that’d just be humiliating for her.


I’m just waiting to see whether or not she knew he was responsible for her trip to the Maw? Or that her Val’kyr for that matter? Because the way she orders them around in that rather campy dialogue in the raid, she still seems to be of the mind that THEY follow HER. And based on her dialogue earlier, it kind of seems like she is truly convinced that it was the Arbiter system that unfairly put her into the Maw. Which would make sense if she didn’t realize souls (very rarely) can be stolen from their chosen afterlives into a Death entities choosing (which she has zero first hand exposure to the few instances we have of that), and that the only person she saw in the Maw in her first trip … was Arthas. The one guy she absolutely would believe deserved to be there.

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They have been strongly telegraphing this I feel like. If they go with the soul split route they can even kill Banshee Sylvanas, save High Elf Sylvanas, and actually manage to have their cake and eat it too. It be a tight rope act allowing them to narrowly skirt redemption. I dunno if they could stick the landing, but still.


I’m just waiting to see if the Sylvie Loyalists still floating around will see the Good Half as a Cake or not? Like, she’s not THEIR Sylvanas. She’s not the one they’re going to bat defending still. Or the one they want validated. She has nothing to do with them, beyond perhaps fitting the concept of Sylvanas they’ve built up over the years … better than the Banshee Queen we’ve known ever did.

So I think what happened there is that Sylvanas didn’t actually meet the Jailer in Edge of Night. Rather, she met the Jailer through the Val’kyr and struck the deal there. She only really met him in the flesh in Shadowlands.

I don’t exactly know though. There’s still so many interactions and important details we’re missing in this story and I don’t even know if we’ll get all the answers.

That would be my guess at least. But who knows? We’re all kind of waiting in Limbo till Blizz lets us see the conclusion to the raid I guess.

Unless the Mok’gora was ‘First Blood’ I’m pretty sure murder was the outcome either way. If anything the whole, ‘The Horde means nothing’ yell was what torpedoed that chance.


Yeah, screaming the at people who you lead that they are gibbering beasts howling for war that are kinda trash and then team rocketing away really ruins your reputation.


You could call it a bittersweet cake, since it would be the fulfillment of Sylvanas’ original goal to kill Arthas and regain the Afterlife she had been torn away from. Sure it’s not Sylvanas as the Forsaken/Player saw her, but it is Sylvanas as she would have wanted to be (and oh boy is that an ironic echo)