So long and thanks for all the fish!

On Pagle at least, the discord server admins are just petty tyrants who want everyone to acknowledge their control. You can only post recruiting every so often, can’t bump threads, can’t edit posts too often, etc., etc., etc.

Since Pagle is the Alliance server now, if you play alliance, you pretty much have toxic admins.

Could always start a character on Benediction.

If people post this and post on their main, theres a lot of toxic edgelord on this forum that will create stupid posts about their bad parses etc.
I can totally understand this.

I cant count how often people tell me im a sockpuppet, just because blizzard wont allow me to post with my EU characters here (i still dont get why this is the case).

To the OP, no matter wether your journey leads you to dropping wow forever and enjoying other aspects of life, or you will have a comeback and find the missing people for your guild, i wish you success in every case.


Yea but all of this is subjective.
You’ve (and many others) have already made up your mind that “ALL” alt accounts are suspect and are created to do bad things.

That is not always the case (for reasons I laid out prior) and I’ve seen too many people who after they feel like they’ve lost an argument turn around and state post on your main account because alt accounts don’t count. Their feelings get hurt and then that is when all of the childish emotions come out and the post on your main account non-sense starts.

It is a silly argument to be quite honest… and a defer and deflect answer in my opinion.


Funny you mention that. I do have a toon on Pagle and I joined that discord server but then dropped it after basically no activity happening and it just felt depressing on what was there.

God speed OP… I definitely do not want to be in the position of a GM or officer of a semi HC or casual raiding guild over these next few months… TOGC phase is gonna be rough when people realize they get a new 30 minute long raid, and then, they need to go right back into clearing Ulduar again for another 3-4 months. I do expect a lot of people to come back for ICC but its gonna be a test of everyone’s patience for sure.

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From what I can see, these types of guilds are generally in a bad spot for Classic overall. The player base in general seems to be way more hardcore than they were in OG Wrath.

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The OP has 1250 posts on the Wrath forums.

Paying at least a small amount of attention to who posts what or even looking at the history would tell you that he’s run a guild for a few years. Now the OP has complained a lot and I’d give people that if they pointed that part out but your comments basically say to me that you pay no attention to what goes on. At all.

It sucks to watch a guild fall apart and maybe the OP will come back at some point or maybe not. Maybe it’s a vent thread or maybe it’s a goodbye thread to the other people on this forum. It doesn’t matter.

A huge amount of forum posters on here don’t use mains. The person you are replying to keeps coming on threads and telling people they shouldn’t make threads in a rude way (while not productively posting anything) all while posting on a Retail toon and not noticing the hypocrisy.

Overall the replies to this are pretty good though, it’s very nice to see.


I don’t think it’s strictly a matter of being hardcore or not. It’s more that there is no more social cohesion in Classic, leading to little-to-no trust in other players. This, along with the instant-gratification mentality, drives the surge in things like gdkp, turning this into a single-player game with a heavy helping of pay-to-win.


Classic so toxic. Yikes

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That’s why people should use official channels like the server forums or in-game channels. Server discords are modded by power hungry failed Reddit mods who want to be US Senators

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Bruh… the only reason you’re defending him is because you’re “taking a break” and want to feel good about your decision. You and the OP can’t make a decision without validation. That’s not a good quality tbh. The “I quit” threads are as old as time and they don’t matter if it’s from an alt account.

Also… you thought moving servers to avoid queues was a smart idea. Someone should take away your posting rights away for that alone.

i got lucky, met a few folks in a small guild thats chill, no rush to raid log. we are taking it slow, folks running 5 mans and going through all the old raids in order. not really frantically pushing to rush the 80 raid logging scene.

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I hear nothing but bad things about pagle

I replied to him to say I could relate to the guild thing and I understood. I’ve got a lot of posts doing that because sometimes (admittedly not in this thread) the challenges of that get overlooked on here. I also have tons of posts talking about being sad about communities dying servers and guilds. I get that many people only come here to be rude and get their daily fix of joy by lashing out anonymously because they are mad about something in real life and they don’t care about things that matter to others or actually care about other people at all (as they are only wanting to bully here to use others as a punching bag to feed their egos) but I do care so I posted in this thread.

There are tons of other quitting threads I didn’t reply to and I also did not make a thread. Thanks for kind of paying attention to what I said in this thread though even though you definitely don’t break the mold of the typical forum poster I just talked about.

Me? No. That’s totally incorrect. You must be thinking of someone else.


I mean, believe me or don’t… It’s not going to matter in 10 days lol. Yeah, maybe I will stage a comeback for ICC. Really depends on how wrapped up into projects I get this year. Definitely not enough time to babysit a bunch of children anymore.


But there’s no teeth to this statement.

If I post an angry rant about quitting, it’ll matter. You… you could be back next day complaining about RDF on Delisavalano.

:stuck_out_tongue: posting for warcraft logs

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I mean if you’re expect random folks to console you on your choice to quit any game then you’re already in a weird area.

But that’s the problem. People want their cathartic moment, but they’re effectively just yelling in the street to strangers about their evil cheating girlfriend. Sure some folks will be supportive, but a lot are going to say bad things.

OP is salty because he’s, likely, the leader of one of the few guilds that have been in bumping wars on the discord server. The inability of about a dozen guild masters to read instructions and act like adults has essentially caused a battening down on the rules because they would bump every few hours so they were at the top of the recruitment forum. With a few hundred active guilds, that’s chaos.