So long and thanks for all the fish!

Recruiting is going to be the ultimate wall no matter what. Unless your groups progress is substantial enough to draw players to it, you’ll always be working against an uphill battle.

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Yup, that is absolutely true. After several years of recruiting non-stop to keep groups going I am throwing in the towel. Pretty emotional saying goodbye to my game friends but it is what it is.

Tell them to pick up more of the slack.

Typically the groups struggling are built of a few players doing everything logistically while most of them just ride coattails to kill bosses.

If they want to continue playing with their friends they all should make a concerted effort to recruit and hold each other accountable during progression to the standards set by the raid as a whole.

Thanks for the feedback :slight_smile: A few questions…

Is this kosher? On the one hand it seems like a useful place to advertise, but on the other I’d hate to clutter up the listing with a group that’s not actually running (we are forming right now and only plan to raid if we actually have enough).

I was wondering about this but I’m actually a bit unsure. I checked and the Pagle realm forums have posts, but it’s otherwise fairly dead. I’m not sure I’d see much luck there. I thought about posting here since this forum is much more active, but I’m not sure if recruitment is intended to happen here. I suspect also that most folks who post in this particular forum are not looking for a guild either.

Works fine. I mean using it in the sense if you’re looking for a DK for your Ulduar group, check LFG to see which DKs are trying to PuG it.

Won’t know until you try. I’ve only got one recruit from forums but they’re someone I highly regard as a core player.

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I agree, easier said than done though.

It would be running. The point he’s making, I think is that you can use LFG to see who is PuGging during your actual raid time, and see if that time works for them regularly, if they’d like to join your raid (right now), and going forward.

Seems reasonable.

Ah, in this particular case the group wouldn’t be running. We aren’t going to go without a full roster. I realize you can, but we discussed it and we don’t want to set aside time for this unless it’s actually happening.

I’ll continue to explore other options available to me.

Thank you guys :slight_smile:

Oh, I see what you mean. You’re trying to recruit for a time, but not actually running at that time until you’re fully recruited?

If that’s the case, then I think that /trade chat is the only place to advertise runs that aren’t happening right at this moment.

Though, unless people mass report you, then it seems that most people use /LookingForGroup for the same purpose.

If you’re only looking for 2 more, why not just start scheduling and start the group 30~ or so minutes before raid time starts, and start filling in those 2?

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Yep :slight_smile:

Personal choice, but we don’t want to commit to that time if nothing is actually happening. Folks would rather do something else in this case. As you might have noticed by what I wrote, this is not a super serious group. We’re just looking to get together, have some fun, and see some content. If that’s not going to happen, no worries, we all have other things we could be doing.

Like I said, it’s a very chill group :slight_smile:

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It is an unpaid 2nd job (or 3rd for some). I am happy I left that business back at the end of WoTLK originally. So so so many people complained about some really silly stuff (how come we’re called team B…does that mean we’re not good enough to be the A team and stuff like that).

I just login 2 x a week, raid and done. I don’t do dungeons or dailies or anything. If this xpac goes further (aka: cata etc) I am not sure I will. I am enjoying not logging on to WoW 7 days a week but time will tell.

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It is really nice to see your thread not being trolled (so far). I feel for you.

I’m taking a break from the game as well and was an officer of my guild for over 3 years and later the guild leader. My reasons were not the same but I’ll explain some things. My guild is still going for now (they got 9/9HM and 1 hour of Algalon attempts in their 3 hours last Tuesdays 25 so fingers crossed for tonight) but recruiting and keeping people has been a nightmare. Since Ulduar it’s been a cross between people leaving for “better” guilds (which has been the first time with so many in 3 years) and core old-timers who have played with us for years quitting the game for various reasons, often schedule-related like mine. A call was put out to the guild that it was bad enough to look at merging and a few members stepped up and recruited and found a handful of people who seem to be sticking, but it’s been rough.

Anyway, as I said I’m taking a break. My primary reason is that my schedule has been such a mess that making the raid times has been very tough and I’ve had to be late or leave right on time to even sort of make it work. So for their sake and mine, it’s best for them to find someone who can be there and really loves the game still. That’s on top of about 5 other “dealbreaker” reasons I haven’t been enjoying the game lately. Having a burnt guild leader is bad for them too. I really do hope they can succeed. Telling them I had to stop was rough and I lost a lot of sleep, I am one of those loyal to the end types but for the second time (as the same thing happened with my original Wrath/Cata guild) I had to stop for schedule reasons as that was the final straw.

In your case, I hope your long-standing members can find a new home and enjoy the game. If the only thing keeping you from playing with another guild is wanting to tank I’m confident you can find something. One of the things holding my guilds progress back in the last month was losing one of our tanks because the guy is a doctor and found a better job and could no longer make the raid times. So the guild has been looking for another DK tank in our case… meaning that situations like that are out there.

If you want a break to get your headspace back like I’m doing then that’s fine too. All the best.


I hate when people say this and they post on an alt.


Can you bring me up to speed on why it matters what character they post on?

I post on an alt for one very main reason – This is where I’ve posted everything, and I don’t have to switch characters to see where and what I posted on and reply and then switch some more etc. I have around 10+ characters but none of them have any posts on them except this one (which was a main at some point). Further I switch mains every xpac, so I decided to just keep it to one for my convenience, not anyone else’s.


In all fairness, this just sounds like a mismatch of expectations. If you’re someone who has five alts and logs on everyday to do stuff, you kinda want a guild with people who have a similar play style. For a lot of people, not needing to pug dungeons, and just general comradery in game is why they join guilds.

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Makes it easier for them to come back without anyone beng none the wiser.

I just roll my eyes and move onto the next thread.

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Challenge accepted.


Exactly this.
Some excessive gatekeepers, GDKP and greedy AH resellers are destroying the game, fueled by H+ and lack of accessibility.

We are not the same people we were.
We are old. We have life. We have family. We have work. We have disease. We have stress.

Good luck OP, and have fun in the next phase of your life!


I dunno, GDKPs actually down the hard content, that makes the game better if you ask me

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Any “I quit” or “I give up” or “my guild all left” on an alt account is suspect.


And for all we know this guy’s guild had major negatives scaring people away or there’s no guild whatsoever.

Could have been a loot council guild funneling gear to officers who green parse and people just going “to hell with this!”

Not coming back though.

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