So long and thanks for all the fish!

Last night I informed the guild that we were no longer raiding and they were free to find new homes. Between the GDKP scene pulling players away, draconian recruiting rules in the server discord, and a straight up lack of anything resembling decent players we decided it wasn’t worth the effort. People have no patience and make crazy demands. Many players that haven’t even killed Yogg 4 flat out demanding 54/54 guilds is mind boggling. Other come in and if they don’t get loot or demolish hard modes on their first night they suddenly have friends that want them in their guild. Usually they were the ones at the bottom of the meters and failing mechanics.

When I announced it I was a little surprised. Only 2 people actually left the guild and 10 total say they are cancelling their accounts if they can’t raid with this group. I am also cancelling my account as I am absolutely exhausted from trying to hold it all together. The population of players is simply sub par what we had through vanilla and TBC. Many more non-english speakers not putting in any effort to be, even, average and then hide behind the language barrier when coached. People not showing up, no signing up, and otherwise just flaking out minutes before a raid… Just can’t.

Now, I know I am just gonna get trolled. I don’t care. Can’t recruit without progress and can’t progress without recruits = dead game for me. My account expires in 2 weeks then I will be gone from here as well.


Serious question – What is this about? I’ve not heard anything about this but I am curious.


to answer to your quote title with another one: “DON’T PANIC”


required to use x/54 in the title, editing the title bumps the post, can only bump every 3 days, can’t list your 10m progression, if you bump in less than 3 days you are banned from posting(and post removed) for 10 days. Since they made x/54 the benchmark for recruiting and without that number being as high as possible you aren’t getting anyone but then when you hit a milestone you can’t even use it for multiple days without getting banned.

Obviously this isn’t blizzard’s problem but it is a community problem and some of these people are drunk with power.


Thankfully those aren’t the only avenues of recruiting.


Ah ok thanks!
I have noticed that the one or two groups I joined in Discord it seemed very restrictive and almost depressing like it was micromanaged. I didn’t have any proof of that but this seems to fit what I’ve experienced/seen. I of course dropped those groups and only use it for voice communications for raids. Everything else Discord offers I ignore.

Sucks that this happened OP. I was going to suggest joining another guild as a raider, but I can see how trying to keep a guild going might just burn you out on the entire game. Maybe you’ll feel like coming back for ICC. Good luck.


I have thought about joining another guild but that would require giving up tanking and moving to DPS. I just am pretty bleh on that prospect. I might actually go outside once in a while with all the new found free time.


This is what pre nerf “hard” content gets you. The 90% (IMO) of the player base just want to have fun. They want to blast through the content. Not struggle to clear 15 year old content. In my opinion if you want hard raiding content go play retail. They give you what you want there. Classic is for the people who played it when it was current. Its for us to go relive our old dreams with even less time to play now. Yeah sure its still “easy” but for a lot of players having to raid 2 nights a week for 25man and then a 3rd night for 10man just for 1 character is too much. So they just quit.


Honestly that was going to be my suggestion. Trying to hold together a guild that can’t fill the roster I imagine is rough. You might try and find out if there’s another guild in the same situation as yours and see if they are interested in trying to merge rosters to get over the hump. You could try your server discord, or any other server discord for that matter, to see if maybe someone is looking for a tank. Maybe you could sign up and tank for a gdkp somewhere instead.

Just some suggestions on ways to find a group to tank for if you’re just not interested in dpsing instead.

Otherwise can I have your stuff? :wink:

I feel you. My guild died joined a new one for 3 weeks but they were on semi life support as well. After 3 weeks got 1-2 more HMs down but tbh lost the enjoyment of game it’s over 11+ weeks and I am over progressing on 25 man (if it was just Algolon sure…. But it ain’t). I Started retail instead been having way more fun. I log in for 10 man once a week we farm it in 2 hours and I’m good.

Out of curiosity, what do you recommend? I’m not really running into any of the problems the OP is saying, but I am looking for two more DPS players to form a very chill Ulduar 10 group on Pagle to just tackle content in a chill, friendly way. Very not serious and we do not care about parses.

The only option that I know of is trade chat spam, which hasn’t really been generating much interest. This is not unexpected, but I’m curious as to what other avenues you suggest.

I predicted this when Ulduar released. The slow death of WOTLK started a few weeks after Ulduar and is picking up speed now.

The game is done.

Cata will be even worse than this.

History is repeating itself. Who would have known…


Only the sweatiest people enjoy raiding like a job so it’s not surprising to me that I constantly see guilds recruiting for the same roles, presumably the ones not filled by friends who have emotional attachments to the group.

Honestly the PuG scene is where it’s at in the modern world, I was in a guild for the first few weeks but haven’t looked back since. Guilds offer stability and coaching for those who can deficate time. People who screw up PuGs get kicked bc time spent is time wasted on strangers. It’s a harsh environment and I personally will remain at least 1 tier behind for all of WotLK but I’m ok with that. However, plenty of pugs and GDKPs are clearing Ulduar so it’s clearly possible when you’re surrounded by the right people who share the same mindset (or can afford to be carried lol).


Cheers to all your efforts in running a guild thus far. :beers:

Relax, they will simply introduce nerfs to Ulduar just as it was expected and people will be happy again. There’s good reasons to feel burned out if your group still hasn’t completed all hard modes after 2 months, I think it’s time to nerf Ulduar.


Literally since day 1 of classic vanilla all the way till now and it’s just dead. Losing hard modes by 20 or less seconds consistently is old and absolutely not enjoyable. They can nerf ulduar all their want at this point. It’s over for me.


In game chats in general are going to be the best. Not limited to world ones either.

Use the LFG tool to find players searching for your raid, just need to see if times work.

Use Logs to see struggling guilds or dying ones to see if members are still trying to play after the group calls it quits.

Forums. They’re more old school so the bites aren’t as frequent but they’re usually better ones.

People often take for granted the stresses and time commitments of guild leadership.

I’m very grateful for having a GM that allows our raid to mostly raid log and still happen.

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Literally done all of those things. LFG spamming nets the worst players in my experience. LFG tools at raid time is a little better but its a 50/50 if its an alt of an established player or a standard LFG pug. Very little success with recruiting from it. Vulturing dying guilds gets into a gray area. If the GM wants to get nasty they run your name all over the server as a poacher which then just makes things difficult. I have had messages posted in every forum, every class discord, all over reddit, and on here. Literally never get a response from any of them.

As a GM in that same boat I can tell you this. Nothing makes recruiting harder than inviting someone to the guild and explaining why you and them are the only 2 online. So many people think they need to be entertained 24/7