So long and thanks for all the fish!

Well yeah sure. This forum is a terrible place to go if you want support. There are a lot of better places online where there are kind and caring people. This forum and really gaming forums aren’t that. So agreed if you are saying that.

My post to the OP was more than anything there to show an understanding. If you enjoy using this forum to be a nasty person to “randoms” because being lowlife scum is your way of being happy then cool. You do you. I haven’t left the forums yet because I still believe there needs to be some level of good and compassion here.

This forum would be about 1000x better if the mean people left and actual quality people remained but yeah it won’t happen.


Always sucks to hear about guilds falling apart. Maybe you should level an alt on a different server, get a fresh start. Meet some new people. If you are still unhappy then I would quit for awhile. (Sounds like you already are)

So, good luck! I tried that once and it lasted about 2 days. :frowning:

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I mean my whole guild basically raid logs but we are a 10 man only one night a week guild. A small group of us also joins a laid back 25 man one night a week guild. Some of us chat on the guild discord but rarely in game, as most of us just play other games between raids.

Running a guild sucks dude especially this late into the tier you get a lot of people just silently leaving. Like I tend to not mind when people tell me they are out but when they just ghost me it feels bad

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Exactly what I’m saying. It also isn’t example of being mean. You could go to an AA subreddit and complain that you’re leaving due to religious undertones and you’d get a very similar “mean” response.

Disagreeing or calling out someone isn’t being mean. Being the OP’s therapist isn’t being good either.

The OP isn’t a good person. He’s complained about not wanting trolls to know his real account because they’ll be mean then has looked up logs on other people to blast them.


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