So, Horde's long Q's are OK with Ally

lies. the common idiot might believe this, but not all go horde. if this was truly the case, no one would be in bgs because one side would never fill. nice tall tale though.

but maybe, just maybe, if a larger than 10% of alliance would run bgs, alliance wouldn’t need horde’s help to “git gud” and win.

Yeah, the ever widening gap in every PvP server with horde dominating EVERY server is just made up. Right.

you know, it’s funny you mention this when every single alliance/fake horde that’s been arguing with me that only pvp server population matters when i posted overall population totals showing how the gap is less than 10% overall yet there’s over 80k alliance playing, compared to only 40+k months ago.

like how people just bypass your post here on que times. I Q’ed as ally on 6 wsg bg’s average wait time i had was same around 10 min or more. roughly the same as you say horde has. as ally won 1out of 6

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I would love for horde to have short queues, as long I get 50% bonus enlistment bonus honor ( underpop bonus) that Ally has in retail :slight_smile:

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not sure if this has been suggested or not as well, but why don’t the alliance just queue for bgs for more support?

Horde’s too busy throwing a tantrum on forums and camping summoning stones in “protest” to queue right now.

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i agree, which is why i do get aggravated when i see these Grobb alliance complain and try to justify being “outnumbered”… they’re over 60/40 in their favor as well but act like they’re the last sole alliance survivors on the planet.

What if more alliance queued for BGs AND less Horde queue for BGs so we can get some even numbers across the board.

Blizzard already came out and said that the win rates across factions was close to 50%.

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less than a 10% difference is hardly dominating… just sayin’.

y’all loooove pushing that narrative though; keep at it i guess.

Source please

well, i know this is a straight up lie to begin with because the pvp server i’m on is Grobb., and it’s a bit more than 60/40 ally. nice try though… not to mention bgs take in players from all servers, not just pvp.

considering a lot of horde have started quitting (based off the recent overall population numbers), it’s time for ally to step up then and start queueing then.

No, it is your fault for stacking one faction and then complaining relentlessly that alliance PVE players don’t queue up. The root cause of 99.9% of the current PVP issues is that 80% of the PVP community decided to go to the same faction. Its not PVE players fault, and its actually hilarious that people think that alliance PVPers don’t queue up. Who exactly do you think you’re waiting 2 hrs to play against?

Nah, just want you to shut up about trying to blame the alliance for the problem that was clearly caused by the horde faction stacking.


Great news everyone! Sounds like the problem is about to fix itself!


maybe what we should all do is set up a poll before wrath releases so we can see how many alliance and horde are going where… and keep it balanced to begin with!

Since you so nicely pointed out that bgs take members from ALL servers, I’ll point out that on US servers, horde currently make up 61.9% of players. If this isn’t unbalanced population, then IDK what is.

Americas & Oceania




Data for reset #10 (from 4 August 2021 to 11 August 2021)

All selected realms


96428 / 38.3%

155465 / 61.7%

60,000 player gap is a “narrative” © night elf druid who is very clearly playing horde

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I don’t believe Blizzard on that until they show the actual data.

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