So, Horde's long Q's are OK with Ally

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No I honestly don’t care, you asked why horde queues were so long, so I offered a suggestion, if you have a better one provide it, since you think you know better, which you don’t, that’s called creating your own narrative.

Why argue my point when you have obviously made up your mind as to what I think. You obviously know me better than I do!
No, I didn’t ask the question.
Get over yourself.

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Can’t even provide a reason why you think I’m wrong, guess I’m not wrong then.

Blizzard stated wins were still basically 50/50. Dont lie.


Nope, it just that you are a waste of time. Reading comprehension is cool. I noted that in my last post.
Enjoy your day.


Was that statement made before or after a cubicle crawl.


We’re totally buying that.

You’re far too invested in horde getting faster queues for someone who mains alliance.

Do horde have 2 hour queues? Even an hour queues?

Players who think alliance don’t like this change because of the effect it has on horde and not the effect it has on alliance or that it ignores faction conflict (that matters to some of us) must think it’s all about them.

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Yep, my level 32 lock, 23 pally, and the 41 mage. Who are sitting on an RP server doing RP. (Hint: they don’t PvP.)
You don’t speak for anyone but yourself, no need for the “We’re”.

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What else is there really to say? I spit in your hand, you cry in mine. Sounds like a fair trade.

Basically you lost, you can’t provide a counter argument. Enjoy your day telling people they’re wrong but not saying why, must be nice.

It’ll be interesting to come back to the forums in Wrath and see all the humans posting here about long queue times. Gonna make an extra butter batch of popcorn :popcorn: for that one!

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Whatever you say, chief. I don’t care one way or the other, but you’re not fooling me (That suit you better?) by posting on a low level alliance retail character while championing for faster horde queues.


Don’t forget to mention my avatar is a retail character. It’ll make you feel better I sure :heart:

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Way ahead of you, gnomie. Re-read my previous reply. :wink:

Not sure if this has been suggested or not, but why don’t the Horde just re-roll alliance for faster q times?


Blizzard should force even servers and horde overflow should be pushed to 3 other servers.

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Right now they are anywhere from 7 minutes (AB) to 22 minutes (WSG) the others somewhere in between. Last night I was getting about 12 minutes average. May not be instant, which Ally isn’t getting anymore either, but a far cry from the 1 plus hours from before.


I love the people that think horde just shouldn’t be playable, and that we need to be actively punished for picking horde