So, Horde's long Q's are OK with Ally

I love the people that think horde just shouldn’t be playable, and that we need to be actively punished for picking horde


doesnt hold up since all the alliance Xfered to Benediction

I mean the argument before was “we have worse leveling experience, and our outdoor experience is ruined the good thing is we get fast ques” but if alliance Xfer to 5-6 servers to make those alliance dominated, then they have no Cons and only Pros?

if your apart of the 9k+ ally (5k of that was Xfers) that are on benediction you dont have room to complain, your on a 65% ally dominated server AND you get instant ques and win bonuses for being… outnumbered which your not.

You’re saying this in a thread which was started by this

You aren’t punished for choosing the Horde. You knew they had longer queue times and picked them anyway, just to complain later.

I’m going to tell you right now that if you stick your keys in a socket, you’ll get shocked. If you go to the nearest socket and stick your keys in it and get shocked, you don’t get to complain.

And before you’re all "I shouldn’t have to change to blah blah blah. I was an Orc Hunter in Classic, I’m a NE Hunter in BC. I started TBC 2 weeks after everyone, saw the way the wind was blowing and rolled alliance. No one is making you play Horde. You just have this weird mentality that “All alliance are sissies and I can’t play with them”

BGs are cross-realm bud.


So your argument is horde is more popular, so people shouldn’t be allowed to pick it and have a good experience?

That is a terrible argument, how about people pick whatever faction they want, and get to play BG’s. HvH BG’s will come back, and we’ll be chillin.

I don’t understand the idea that “you knew horde was popular, so you shouldn’t have picked it”

there are 2 factions, not being able to pick one, because it’s popular is dumb af

  • Shadowmeld (Active) – Activate while immobile and out of combat to enter stealth mode – lasts until canceled – 10 sec cooldown
  • Quickness (Passive) – Dodge chance increased by 1%
  • Wisp Spirit (Passive) – Become a wisp when dead with movement speed increase of 50% (25% faster than normal ghost)
  • Nature Resistance (Passive) – All Night Elves get +10 Nature Resistance

So strong. Idk what to do with all this strength. Let’s compare it to the Elves that Horde gets.

  • Arcane Affinity (Passive) – Enchanting skill increased by 10
  • Arcane Torrent (Active) – Silences all enemies within 8 yards for 2 sec. In addition, you gain 5 + 1/Level Mana restored per Mana Tap charge currently affecting you – Instant – 2 min cooldown. (Hunters/Paladins/Mages/Priests/Warlocks only)
  • Arcane Torrent (Active) – Silences all enemies within 8 yards for 2 sec. In addition, you gain 10 Energy for each Mana Tap charge currently affecting you – Instant – 2 min cooldown. (Rogue only)
  • Magic Resistance (Passive) – All resistances increased by 5
  • Mana Tap (Active) – Reduces target’s mana by 51 and charges you with Arcane energy for 10 min. This effect stacks up to 3 times. Amount of mana reduced is 50 + 1/Level – 30 yd range – Instant – 30 sec cooldown.

Yeah you’re right. I’d much rather be a NE.

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Pick horde if you want to play horde, but if bg queues are a priority to you, then choosing horde might not be the best choice.


Yes? In the same sense that if you pick an overpopulated server it’s harder to farm mats/rares/quest mobs. You are right though, HvH will come back. I’ll do you one better though, do away with factions in BGs altogether. Everyone queues together, everyone plays together, everyone has the exact same queue times. Since everyone was ok with HvH, clearly factions didn’t matter that much anyway.

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I have suggested this for years, scramble the teams no more HvA

Make it Team A / Team B

No racial advantages, equal queue times


And throw away 2+ years of developing your character.I could ask if you would do the same and you’d likely say yes for the sake of your argument. The problem is you couldn’t prove it. I know I wouldn’t, not after leveling five characters to max (in Classic) and gearing two.
That’s a ton of work.
Blizzard should test free faction transfers (horde to alliance only) for a couple weeks and see how that goes. Why only test merc mode?

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Hey so have I! Despite my purple skin and your… melting? skin we were able to come together in Azeroths time of need.

Sthis I love that you casually left out all of the best Alliance racials.

If you chose the wrong race, maybe you should reroll – but this discussion is ALLIANCE VS HORDE. Also, NE racial is BIS for certain classes. I understand this is difficult to accept, but it doesnt mean your racials are bad. Maybe you have a poor combination.


Now you’re getting it.

You made your choice, it wasn’t a secret that realms across the board were becoming Horde dominated. More player = longer queues. You should deal with the decision YOU made rather than risking PvP servers becoming even more unbalanced with faction v faction. You made your bed, now lie in it.


No it’s not okay and I’m ally

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Gtfo with your attempt at derailing. It wouldn’t make any difference no matter which.

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Yeah I know. Like how NE racials are BIS for Alliance Druids.


Look at his chat history, Chuck.

He does this all the time. Just send him an emoji and pat him on the head like a child. Don’t need to do much more than that.

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or better yet, maybe those tens of thousands of alliance that don’t do anything but complain they’re bored should just queue up and shut up… :thinking:
easy fix.


i’ve never played on private servers but have suggested this as well- only for casual, instanced battlegrounds. that way you keep the nostalgia of faction pride and story lines, but it solves the issue of queue times. horde can pvp like they paid to, and alliance can dance on tabletops like they paid to… i.e. those subscriptions we are all charged every month.