So can we finally admit that not having RDF killed Wrath Classic?

What game is classic based off of?

A new game or an Old game?

Is classics content new? Are the raids new and all out at once?

Or do they slowly unlock in the order they unlocked before?

Is Dragonflight a new xpac or an old 1???

No one is saying dragonflight isnt progressing, its a NEW game, its going to progress with NEW content.

Maybe English isnt your first language?

Didn’t go into the comments, was just in the one thread where most of those are replies to me.

That just makes it worse.

Not hard to understand that he is saying every single expansion has a larger amount join at launch then it drops off after a few months. Always. Not up for debate. It’s a known cycle. So of expansions with retail have it and same player drop off what then? Maybe just maybe people have leveled so Many times over the years that we don’t want to keep redoing it and that’s part of why it’s barren leveling. Level 70 boosts uncapped instead of 1 per account would be better for game health than adding RDF would.

Ya he here just to push silly ideas thinking that will change Blizzards mind instead of making actual threads with ideas for improvement. He has said that he isnt here to change his mind and he 100% no doubts to him that the game is dead. Which is weird to pay for a dead game but who am I to judge I am having fun leveling alts between raid days.

check my thread he is here to argue until he runs out of arguments (which were disproven) then does personal attacks lol. He be just trollin now since he isnt making sense in alot of the posts.


I know all about garmuck lol he’s been here awhile lol.

Garmuck is the glue that holds us all together.

I got him called out and he ignoring me now since its kinda hard to go against definitions by the industry and facts

Kinda funny imo.

Funny by that logic why ain’t we smashing arthas then? You want to try to cherry pick and twist things so can we :slight_smile:

Let me know how that 45 min to hour and a half wait time was back in the day.

wraith is dead. at this point its just a heroic and raid simulator. Just logged through all my low level alts to do a dungeon and theres like 5 people across multiple level brackets on the dungeon finder right now on a high pop server. I literally cant even play the game. Im so bored that I actually started playing dragonflight just to have something to do. The leveling experience is vastly better in that. I dont even need to use the dungeon finder tool because the low level quests have xp boost on them to get me into relevant content faster. It makes questing actually fun and rewarding unlike this garbage fire of a game. I love the wraith content, but the fact that none of my alts can even play it just ruined this entire expansion for me. At this point im probably just going to be raidlogging my 1 level 80 and give my time to a game that respects it. If anti-rdf crowds goal was to intentionally kill this game, they have thoroughly succeeded


You cry that wrath is just a raid simulator now and cry you can’t get dungeon groups while leveling up. Then go on praising dragonflight for speeding through the leveling to faster get you to dailies and raid simulating? You are really bright.

This is why they need to double/triple the xp rates on quests for vanilla and TBC content(or pvp). Its outdated overplayed content that already had its Classic spotlight. Noone wants to do it anymore, yet were forced to go through the slow slog just to enjoy the new classic expansion experience. Horrible business model. If they wernt going to put RDF in, then they shouldve retooled all of the old content to keep the game alive. Imagine youre some guy seeing streamers playing classic wraith on twitch and you say ‘hey i havnt played wow in 15 years. Id love to reexperience the wraith content again’ or ‘ive never played wow. I wanna check that content im seeing on stream out’. Then you join the game and find out its going to take 2 months of slow solo questing through empty maps just to ever see that content. Who would stick around for that? Clearly not most people, as the game is dying and getting worse everyday.

bruh, if i had all my alts into northrend, I would actively be playing 5+ hours every day questing, doing dungeons, heroics, pvping, working on professions, and raid rotating on all of them. That would easily keep me busy for the next month+. I cant do any of that. None of my alts will hit 80 and be even remotely geared(even in just heroic gear) before ulduar comes now. So whats the point in even playing anymore? My time is valuable and its being wasted on a dying game that doesnt want anyone to actually play it


This is a lie.

Kris Zierhut is on the Classic team:

Here he’s credited as, drumroll… Game Designer on original WoTLK:

Zaalg, there’s a simple solution to get me to stop quoting your posts. Stop lying, that’s it.

#nochanges definitely does not work because feature wise(which RDF is) we’re on the last patch of wrath. Just like vanilla and TBC Classic they are not doing feature progression only content progression.

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Arent you supposed to be playing retail and not caring about classic?

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Zaalg vs Cringelimicus, the battle of the forums sweatiest nerds begins.

My money is on Zaalg.


You know how you justify all these last-patches systems, balances, itemization, etc being there from the start? It’s very simple, and I think Ion said it before Classic launched.

Imagine a new server is added at the tail end of Vanilla, or TBC, or now Wrath. That is what we’re playing. It’s that simple. The only difference is staggered release of content.

And that’s how they ran Classic. That’s how they ran TBCC. And that’s how they’re running Wrath Classic. Except for RDF. It’s the exception. And why? Well, we know it’s not the BS reasons the Classic team gave. They’ve made plenty of changes that fly in the face of their supposed pillars.

I think it’s a combination of incompetence (they can’t get the old RDF to work with the modern client), indifference (they can’t be bothered, as they’ve put the minimal amount of effort into this project), and arrogance (“We know better than the actual Wrath devs!”).


So ignore them. Never could understand why someone would intentionally go into a thread they have no interest in just to point out it might be covering a topic already discussed.

This is a spam post; no one needs your useless wall of text that is just spewing hate.

Here is a hot tip, if the topic does not interest you, just ignore the thread.