So can we finally admit that not having RDF killed Wrath Classic?

Im but a simply melee dps that isnt the best player. I simply play for fun :slight_smile: I also like to level alts.

2 and a half hours last night as a tank looking for dire maul on maladath last night… NEVER GOT A GROUP.


Yeah it’s rough bro, game is dying daily.

Idk how waiting for 20 min to find a group is fun lol, i’d just quit.


That’s the problem. They are too hard headed to ever do that. They will watch subs plummet before ever doing this.

Blizzard wonders why they have such a toxic player base. Its crap like this. You look at other MMO games the devs listen to the players. Sure they can’t always give them what they want but they at least pretend to try within reason.

Build the game players want, not the game you as a dev want.


thats why im so pro rdf. at least with cross server im betting i would have had a group for dire maul in 15 minutes tops. and most nights i could gather guild members to que and roll. it just feels like a good third of the game is missing without rdf in game.


They also have still not added the ability to link quests in chat, despite that being a feature of TBC 2.4.

  • You can now link quests into the chat log by Shift-Clicking on the quest name in the quest log.
And still missing from 3.0.2:

  • Quests can be shared with party members at any distance.
  • Quests can be shared with party members by linking the quest into party chat.

It also took until late in wotlk’s ptr to add the sparkle to quest objectives, herbs, and ores, despite that being in 2.3.
Meanwhile, they’re adding things like Titan Rune dungeons, and the current implementation of group finder, which never existed in WotLK.

Maybe if they focused on what was in the game in 2008-2010 instead of adding new stuff, they could have maintained a more faithful experience of WotLK.


then go ahead :slight_smile: just shows that instead of arguing definitions and arguments your simply resorting to personal attacks. signs of a wavering ego and loss of argumentative thought.

I gathered that you dont want your mind changed and simply want to complain while still supporting the people your complaining against like a battered significant other and I was trying to help but alas.

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Sad, isn’t it? Blizzard can help this by simply making Wrath more like it was originally. One feature could make a significant improvement.

It has already been shown that the reasons it was left out were biased and incorrect opinions. And the actual data shows that RDF was not related to subscriber drops or related to community quality.


works for me. Honestly if it wasnt some giant overtaking and stretch of actual resources and workloads I would want to see patch by patch and relive how the game was back then bugs and all. I guess this is what was meant by “you think you do but you dont” those words ring true these days.

Game is dead, you’re not gonna convince me.


ur right by removing dual talents, flying book, queing anywhere bg’s, etc. remove all of that junk its not how it was when naxx was out.

exactly. your not here to have your mind changed you have your belief and thats it. set in stone you could say. So your simply here to push beliefs no matter what is told or arguments made. seems silly imo but what can ya do :slight_smile: some people go out and research politics and some follow people and wont waver no matter what. odd how that really rings true in some parts of North America…

Yep, until I start seeing faster queues and a non-dead Arena scene I will believe the game is dead.

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Why are you so fixated on WHEN something came out? Our concern is not when but IF. Blizzard has stated RDF will not be in Wrath. I could care less if they came out and said, It will not be released until the ICC content release. Fine! But they have not said this.

When is not the issue. We can drop the whole, “Oh, but it would not be in the game yet” arguments; they are irrelevant to the issue.


Garmuck misses the bus as usual. Lack of RDF didn’t kill wrath what so ever. (Wrath isn’t even dead FYI.) Not having RDF did help to bury low level content, which is why it needed to be there for that. But that’s not northrend content. (Btw Miregrim, notice that I’m the only one saying this, as usual. That doesn’t look like “virtually everyone” to me.)

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Exactly what happened when they tried to remove flying in WoD, after dangling it on a stick for the entire xpac before saying “yeah jk we feel flying is bad for the game, its never coming back. Enjoy 6.2!” 19 days later, they backtrack, but give us “pathfinder”, and ground you till the last patch every xpac since.

That’s why I think they’ll end up adding RDF at some point in WotLK, but probably not till most people have left. It’s the modern Blizzard strat, annoy their players, then once subs fall, implement the changes people have asked for from the start, rinse and repeat next xpac.

Looking at you, Legion artifact grind, legion legendary grind, BFA azerite grind, shadowlands covenant swapping, and soul ash farming.


Isnt thaty the whole thing is when it comes out? If that doesnt matter then why cant all the raids or aspects of Cata come out now? The point of Classic to me if to play it in its state back in that time period bugs and all? Why fix or mess with things? I dont want the new group finder or queue anywhere bg’s or flying books. They should come out around the same time within reason. I understand going patch by patch would be an absolute nightmare of a undertaking so concessions are made but the whole point is to play the old buggy game not fix the old game we have that in retail lol.

No not really. It is the fact that they have said it will never come out that is the concern. And everytime the argument gets brought up, people immediately revert to, “Oh, but it should not be out yet.” That is not the issue.

I guarantee if Blizzard had said RDF will be in Wrath, but not till the ICC release, many of us would be fine with that. Yeah, it would be better if it was out now, but if we knew for sure we were getting it, many players would be ok with that and just wait till we had RDF to level alts.


I wonder how many people have to quit before they put in RDF.


Class tuning?

Real ID friends?

All things that werent finished until the end of wotlk but are here now.