So can we finally admit that not having RDF killed Wrath Classic?

? what. who is that lol. I dont live in the USA for that to be relevant. I am simply showing that a “Feature” is considered content so saying X was in so Y should be in when both shouldnt be in is relevant. Also saying im anti Dungeon finder is wrong so you cant simply say “He is anti so just dont believe him” I do think it would help but it doesnt take away from facts LOL.


weird I only do it for a living lol I should change professions jeez I guess ya got me on these wow forums.

Wotlk isn’t dead. You just need your daily dose of attention.


So why tf are you on an NA forum, that whole facts and feelings thing came from him and other Right Wing people in media lmao.

And no RDF is needed, your logic is dumb.

Elemcope back at it again.


OP they got you either way, if you make a thread…it is spam.

If you can any threads that hasn’t been censored…is it necromancy.

There are new people that come in the forums, I am sure of it. That hasn’t seen or had a chance to comment…lol

They just want to shut down the conversation all together.


NA = North America LOL not just the U.S.A lol


What’s cope about noting the active populations on multiple servers ?


And yet you do not understand what it means when the game client was built on patch 3.3.0, and you do not understand the difference between game content and client features.



oh man there he is my favorite 10 level troll

weird bc the law and definitions dont agree with that.

Yeah sadly this is the way it goes around here when you got people like this:


Not unless their intent was for classic to fail. It doesn’t have to fail spectacularly, just a general, “meh”. Just enough that the average modern WoW player stays away from it and plays retail as that’s where Blizzard would rather direct their attention. Only a very small, dedicated group of players actually play wotlkc. Enough to keep the lights on and make it through to ICC, then Blizzard can just retire the Classic Project and not do anymore and go back to just doing retail.


It’s a stupid argument because we have features that came out later and we have them now.


Be careful, he’s gonna throw his community college law degree links at you.

That’s actually a theory I can get behind.


how so you started a thread and I using logic and known definitions stated my piece. They can take their content and release it at the proper time. I personally didnt have issues leveling an alt on my off time as it wasnt as bad as people want it to be. But I only have my experience to counter act all the crying on the forums. If yall dont like definitions then sadly I cant help you as you came to complain in hopes of Blizzard listening when people give you definitions you ignore them so maybe thats why Blizz ignores you? maybe change that up and maybe Blizz will listen more :slight_smile:

then remove them. 2 wrongs dont make it right. Im down 100% to leave out the things we dont need. dual talent and flying books are silly to release early but not Dungeon finder. Take it all away.

Oh, be careful; they work in the industry! They know better and pulled up a 15-year-old definition for an industry that changes on a monthly basis.

I guess that whole “Agile Development” needs to stop because we have to adhere to a 15-year-old definition of what content is.


yikes that post is cringe ngl. you cant argue with definitions so you try to peel others off who could learn :slight_smile:


Certainly didn’t kill your forum usage…



Idk what this sentence means, wdym “as bad as people want it to be”.