So Blizzard is done adding customization options?

Not if you think about them for more than 2 seconds.

those are requests from other players.

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They were throwing out a list of cool “what ifs”, thinking of a world with customization beyond beards and hairstyles.

I mean
I can’t be a Warlock, Mage, Priest, or Rogue? In fact, Highmountain Tauren can be a total of 6 classes while Void Elves have 8.

yeah, there’s a LOT to be jealous of considering what the Void Elves get compared to literally every other allied race especially from Legion.

I’m sorry you can’t be a “pretty” Druid, but that and Shaman should absolutely never fall into Quel’dorei hands. Ever.

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the devs said, tell us what ya want, and that list is stuff people want.

The class suggestions dont make any sense.

That you, and maybe 5 other people want.

I just don’t get why people argue against more cool stuff.

Number one on my wishlist is Mechagnome Druid’s with mechanical animal forms.


Lets just butcher the druid lore further because "zomg cool’

No one cares about Druid lore, and it always really upsets me. It’s bad enough I’m forced into doing non-Druidlike stuff because I chose Horde; I’d rather Druid lore at least stay sensible.

They woudn’t techncially be Druid’s, the same way Tauren Paladin’s aren’t actually Paladins.

It’s a fantasy game, and people are so worried about what you can’t do.

As if WoW lore was something sacred. 90% of WoW lore is all breadth and no depth, they make stuff and forget about it and repeat every xpac.

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yep cause legion ARs are low effort. velfs included. so you think because your hmt has less than he should, i shouldnt get more either. meanwhile there are races in the game that have nearly everything and getting more and not a peep about it from you. you’re just mad at velfs.

Nope. We need to allow mechagnome druids, you know the folks who turned half of their island into a radioactive cesspit so intense you’ve got hydrocarbons becoming animated.

Why? Because ‘transformers dood’

Tauren paladins are paladins. They just have a different method of calling upon the light.


Nope, Taruen Paladin’s get their power from Anshe, the sun, not the light. Closer to a Druid than an actual Paladin.

based on data mostly collected from this thread. yes this is hyperspace

Everyone should get more, but if Void Elves are getting customization options, the other allied races should have as well. Instead, Blizzard failed to give Goblins, Pandaren, and a bunch of other base races much customization at all to cater to the Void Elf/High Elf sychophants. It’s

Void Elves should have waited their turn with the rest of the allied races, but can’t have them get too rowdy on the forums.

You hurt my heart with this truth. :sob:


They gave Zandalari ridiculous dinosaur forms because “dinosaur cool”. And transformers and dinosaurs are the same level of “cool dood”.

There is also lore to back up Mechagnome Druids. Talk to a Prince Erazmin on a Druid and hear his thoughts on it.

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Why are you positioning this as a high elf/void elf took away my allied race customizations. Blizzard has the ability to do both and they should. Pitting yourself against void elves doesn’t help you get more, it’s just a distraction from what should be done. It probably took zero time to give void elves the new skin tones and eye colors.

I don’t like it either. Void elves were a huge mistake, but the point should be that blizzard should not be done adding customization options to any race. Even the races that got more (humans) didn’t get enough.

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Yes. Just like how the Zandalari paladins channel the light through their faith in Rezan, Tauren paladins do the same with An’she. They just call it the Sun god instead of the Naaru, or the holy light.

You’ve unironically argued for pixies as an allied race. I would discard your feedback on that alone.

This dood. I hate the high elf crowd for this specific reason.


Dinosaurs aren’t machines, big difference. Unless you mean to tell me that my computer grew on a tree.

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You misunderstand. Tauren Paladins are Sunwalkers, they don’t channel the light, at all.

Just go to Rustbolt on a Druid, and talk to Prince Erazmin. Lore for Mechagnome Druids exists.

All I wanted were Highborne options for Night Elves or at least golden jewelry to reflect Azshara. It didn’t happen sadly and now they even removed the violet hair color which worked perfectly for Highborne characters.