So Blizzard is done adding customization options?

They just made a ton of options for like half the races, then gave up without finishing, just like the Heritage armor?


They didn’t give up on heritage armor

But yeah some of us are probably just getting the halfaxed treatment


Ya they did. I guarantee you that Orc, Human, Night Elf, and Undead won’t get heritage armor, and Blizzard will say the Warfront gear was their heritage armor.


I wouldn’t be surprised?

We got variations and tints of armor that fit all those themes, they’re just not “heritage”

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Not at all! Blizz has said it’s an ongoing project and more custom options will keep coming out throughout all of Shadowlands. Allied and core races will get more stuff in patches to come!

Also heritage armor is continuing and the final seven will get theirs too.


Ya, and they said we were getting quivers and other transmog things at the start of Legion. Never happened.

What is on the PTR now is what we get, nothing else is coming until they can sell it to us as an expansion feature in 2 years.


Night elves in particular will be done dirty if this happens.


Nightborne in particular will be done dirty. They look worse than the NPC model in every way.


I was talking about heritage armor. Which I think the nightborne did fairly well on. I can agree their custom options are pathetic though.

While I’m guessing troll, with 4 posts and all. Where did you hear they gave up? They’re done adding for now. That doesn’t mean more won’t be added in the future when the art team gets time.

More heritage armor is coming once again though these things take time and there is only so much time in a day. The art team has a lot of responsibilities.


Nah, the Nightborne heritage armor is also worse than every Nightborne NPC.

They all have armor literally made out of mana, the Nightborne armor isn’t even the same aesthetic.

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PTR release build is out. That’s all we get. Anything developed after this is going to be kept in Blizzard’s back pocket to sell us as a feature next expansion.


This really shouldn’t matter…nothing about his post screams “troll”. There have been tons of cool things like this that Blizzard promised us in the past that never happened. Different gender demons for locks, quivers/books, dance studio, ect. Its not farfetched to think they’ll quietly ditch the armor and adding anymore custom options.


So going straight to the conspiracy theories are we, guess that’s why the store was out of Reynolds.


They never said they were done with Heritage Armor. They also completed updates for all of the core races. They specifically said Allied Races wouldn’t get much love this time.

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Night elves have arguably gotten the best customization though


I post on Classic WoW characters because they don’t have an achievement trail for elitists to scour for a “gotcha”.

“You haven’t cleared Mythic every raid and aren’t 3k in arena, your opinion isn’t valid!!!”


They never promised anything, they said we’d like to do or are working on. They’ve never stated once that they promise to give these things. The dance studio is the only thing on that list that could have been marked as a promise since it was on a trailer, but they announced said feature wouldn’t be released.

Blizzard being greedy isn’t a conspiracy, it’s just obvious.