So Blizzard is done adding customization options?

"[Anduin’s] mind went back to the Netherlight Temple. The Light finds us, he thought. All of us. It chooses the story, or the face, or the name, or the song that resonates the most with each of us. We may call it Elune, or An’she, or just the Light, but it doesn’t matter. We can turn away from it if we desire, but it’s always there. "

“Its not duh light unless dey are saying deus vult”

That’s Erazmin thinking about how he could improve you. Doesn’t mean Mechagnomes will be druids. I can think impossibilities too.

because they were about to give belfs the ability to make high elves. they sidetracked the complaints that would arise from alliance helf hopefuls by giving them belf skin tones. i can guarantee you it took less than an hour to copy paste velf hair on belf heads. the only thing created specifically for velfs, was purple eyes. everything else was a copy paste.

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And they didn’t even bother to change the underwear and nail polish :unamused:

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Why are you staring at their underwear?

Consider yourself lucky that you can wear pants over your underwear. For Mechagnomes, there is only diaper.

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No, but every race has their own unique underwear, Void elves should have theirs doesn’t matter what skin color they have

They dont wear a diaper though?

Specifically because of the fact that they promised to do base races but then gave to the Void Elves. I’m not going to derail this thread into the HE buzz word, but Blizzard walked back on their promised of base races getting the love first to give to them, and that’s why I’m frustrated.

Considering the Loa being the result of Troll Druids has been a thing since before Cataclysm, the dinosaur forms are appropriate though.

They still got options while other races got shafted. It’s more fuel to the fire of the love both flavors of the same Elf model gets. And it’s still not even enough, they’re demanding even more for it.

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Ya, give them a void portal on the butt of the underwear, make them the only race with a lore friendly reason why we never use the bathroom.

The only reason they gave Void elves the skin tones was because Horde got the ability to make High Elves. Even now Alliance can’t make them because they don’t have the appropriate hair colors

That is a good thing.

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Everyones excited for High Elves, I’m hyped about the short ears and making a lowborn scum Half-elf.

Why it is a good thing? It’s just proves Blizzard never listens to fans at all.

Because blonde haired elves are a Horde thing and we should have gotten Nightborne over Void Elves?

And just to be clear what void elves got was only a COMPROMISE nothing else

“The lore is sacred!”-Said the Kul-Tiran Death Knight raised by the Bolvar.

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Technically not anymore. Night elves are getting amber hair

well, follow me here: alliance helf fans begged for playable helfs. we almost got playable helfs, almost. horde belf fans got playable helfs. they no longer have to ask for that, they just got it. alliance helf fans, still have tentacle hair.

Yeah. The Ebon Blade can raise corpses, whats your point? Kul Tirans were around during the second and third wars as well.

You wouldn’t mistake a night elf for a blood elf though. You can go horde if you want to play your ‘white’ elves.

Ion should have given you nothing but an air sandwich.

So much negativity…maybe you should chill. More options the better. And I love Night Elves particularly the Highborne which sadly I didn’t get any options for, not High Elves