So about that 4+ shaman 4+ boomkin every bg

Some type of mental illness most likely.

  1. Wolk human racials would like a word with you

  2. This is a garbage argument to justify a class being OP. “You see lil Timmy, years ago more people played horde so therefor that’s why paladins need to be broken in pvp.” If that were the case warlocks would be the most OP class known to man due to usually being the least played class.

OP seems to be exaggerating. They probably ran into one or two BGs with slightly more paladins than is normal but that doesn’t come near to equating having almost half of the BG group being paladins in every BG.

im not actually .

ive seen games with 4+ pallies quite a few times as i rank.

the whole point is class stacking happens on both sides and as pallies are > shaman currently … well whatever really it is what it is.

No. SOME full geared, skilled and properly specced pallies are better than SOME shamans.

heh theres always the caveat.

given same gear (base level of 2 or 4pc t2) and skill (decent player to avg) pallys are > shaman currently.


also please dont tell me that its hard to get the tier pieces as doing the 3 trials (with bonus for the week trial) gives over 20 pieces of loot base and thats not even mentioning the crap ton of loot you get from a clear itself.

Well as soon as SoD ends, the majority of shams go back to wrecking the majority of paladins in all forms of level 60 PvP. I think you can handle just a few of the paladins out there being slightly more powerful than your sham for at least 5% of SoDs existence.

and all of phase 1 least we forget.

honestly i was fine with it before they gutted shaman healing .

now moonkin/pallies/hunters can eat a fat nerf in that order.

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Work on burst. Pretend you cant even heal. Make it a burst focused toon. Self heal when there is no other option but always go for the overwhelming burst that you still have first. I have been saying on these forums for almost a straight month now that booms are the most OP and NOW you people are just starting to take notice? Do the majority of you even play or do you just go off of what the trending YT SoD PvP vids say to make your forum posts off of? Find a way to make yourself do more burst. You can, others already have.

yes the “burst” that relies mostly on an rng proc that either procs ALL THE TIME or procs NEVER.

i cant hear you over the sound of the melee beating on me and pushing back my hard casted spells and interrupting me or counterspells or silence or curse of tongues or …

well anyways you might see what im talking about if you actually played the class and knew its actual weaknesses.

right now wolves are the only thing keeping us afloat (3min cooldown) cause we almost have to kite all the time to actually get anything off.

I literally said Classic/SoD lol. Wotlk human racials went a long way to fixing the horrid PvP faction imbalance that had grown from Vanilla through TBC all the way up to Wotlk.

I’m not talking about Wotlk onwards, I’m specifically talking about Classic WoW and how the last 20 years of Original Vanilla->Private Servers>-Classic 2019->SoD has been 20 years of Horde PvP dominance and culture. It’s literally generational at this point. OG Horde players from 2004 raised their kids on the knowledge that Classic Horde was simply the better faction to play for PvP.

The justification isn’t based on 2004 or even 2019. The justification is based solely on right now. If Ret is not OP, than Horde has 95% win rate and 60+ minute queues in BGs. With Ret OP, things are literally and unironically fairer.

Asymmetrical balance. It’s simple, honest truth, but I get that people (Horde players) don’t want to admit I’m right.

Reminds me of S5 arena lmao. So fun.

the only thing 1 class being op will do for the alliance is for them to find their guts and actually try to win which gives more chance to win than the class being op at all .

that ill give you.

but to say pallies must be op for alliance to have any chance of winning is silly to the extreme.

they just have to find their guts and actually play instead of giving up the moment they see the enemy team make up.

Well my pally goes back to hitting like a wet noodle and going OoM every time I try to do something extraordinary as soon as SoD ends and its back to regular level 60 PvP.

honestly i dont care about other game modes as im playing sod and it is what matters to me.

so ya . i dont care.

Well… sounds like you need to go roll a boomkin then. I don’t know what else to tell you, you seem unsatisfied with not being the top of the top in SoD PvP. Talk to me again when you’re posting from your level 60 SoD boomy. Till then, best of luck to you.

And you make threads like this as well and expect us to take you seriously.

I dont think you guys who call for all these nerfs really care about balance - WoW Classic / Season of Discovery - World of Warcraft Forums (

actually im quite happy playing my sl/nf lock in pvp now (as its going to be my second rank 13) .

doesnt mean i cant or shouldnt have an opinion on the over all state of balance.

you are trying to put motivations and words into my mouth and i would gladly ask you to stop.

yes, i wrote that thread.

please do tell me whats wrong with it and whats not accurate about it in detail.

i dont believe people that spam for shaman nerfs actually care anymore about overall balance. they want revenge.

well i want my revenge too.

i also , for the sake of actual real overall balance, want them to nerf the actually op classes now too.

which means , moonkin/pallies/hunters in that order of brokeness.

in all their current iterations, Druids/Shaman/Paladins will always be more ROFL OP relative to Hunters because hybrids having access to self-healing is something that Hunters do not have.

in addition, after P5 (Tier 2) is when we typically start seeing Hunters’ poor stat scaling start to fall behind the itemization for Rogues and Warriors. so while 3500 instant-cast Chimera Shot crits are totally lulz, Hunter damage output really starts lagging behind the other physical DPS classes. that remains to be seen in SoD, of course, but ooooooooof that agility-to-crit scaling :grimacing: .

i mean hunters have been top 3 or tied for top 3 the whole of sod so…

in pvp ranks i mean.

If you see on a team at least 1 player that isn’t on the same server, it’s not a premade it’s a pug group and they queue system just lumped a bunch together.