So about that 4+ shaman 4+ boomkin every bg

im saying that attitude is probably more along the lines of 50%+ of the reason they have lost as much as they have in sod in particular .

Yaaaa you can really tell how under staffed and over worked the classic team is just by doing a cursory inspection of the quality of both SoD and Cata classic. Don’t get me wrong I’m happy I have both of these options because there’s no world in which I return to retail (unless they remove warmode) but at the same time I wish they had far more support.

it wasn’t “let them win” people alone that made alliance lose 90% of their games, it may have been a contributing factor

There are literally more “LET THEM WIN” Alliance players than there are Horde players rolling Shaman

SOURCE: anybody with a triple-digit iQuotient who understands numbers

but it was shamans being better than paladins in addition to the plethora of map and racial advantages that horde players enjoy in the classic setting

This is just an unnecessarily obtuse way of (not) saying the “LET THEM WIN” loser-think that goes hand-in-hand with being Alliance.

ok mr. number understander, do you seriously think 9/10 games were full of “let them win” people and that’s what caused horde supremacy for several phases?

yeah man I guess horde are just inherently better players, disregard whatever I said, Jeddite has used his triple digit iQuotient to deduce that horde are just built different

Let’s assume his assertion is correct and say most alliance are “let them win” guys. The immediate not hard to find explanation for that is because a majority of the people who play the game for PvP GO HORDE OFF RIP BECAUSE OF THE MASSIVE NUMBER OF ADVANTAGES. The idea that all alliance players picked alliance because they just want to lose is a massive indicator of brainletism.

i would say p2-and a little bit p3 they were right in that it was truly an uphill battle but other than that i would say its not all on faction imbalance as much as attitude.

2 phases i can give ya.

the rest is all on you guys giving up before even taking 1 step in bgs.

i happened to play a shaman most of sod.

i died plenty of times to people and was countered plenty of times by people that actually took the time to learn how to play against shaman.

so bleh. its totally possible to kill a shaman and has been possible most of sod.

edit to add: the 2 phases diddnt help do anything other than to “train” you guys to give up.

ngl I thought after they announced early on that weapon skill racials would be attainable to all, I assumed (incorrectly) they might add some of the stronger racials as accessible to all as well.

not a little bit of p3, ALL of p3 lmao. those 2 phases were so brutal I became a forum poster in all my time playing this damn game. never been inclined to post on the forums til SoD.

I had high hopes for what this game could be and I wanted to love it but every massive L has degraded it for me

hypothetically, if the entire Shaman class was removed, what reason would there be to think that the “LET THEM WIN” attitude personified by so many Alliance players would dissipate?

Orcs/Hardiness and WoTF still exist

racials should be selectable in SoD tbh

if it was possible to put opposing factions racials on runes for neck pieces, I think that would be a pretty cool experiment just to see what kind of zany combinations could come from that.

I already know I’m taking Shadowmeld on my hunter-cow

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ya . like i said, i blame the devs on this one for letting it go on so long that pallies werent on the level of shaman and that the perception of shaman for those 2 phases became legendary and just trained you guys to give up before even trying.

you shouldnt have that excuse now.

btw paladin with hardiness (and its a dwarf so it has stoneform too… OP AS CRAP).

yeah stone form and hardiness combo would be meta AF, but it wouldn’t be unique to one side.

better yet…

moonkin with stoneform or hardiness…

talk about super mega op lol.

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unironically having access to all racials would force better development of class balance

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“Horde is the PvP faction in classic” has been understood to be the meta even before SoD. The only way that horde doesn’t get a majority of the pvpers pre SoD launch is if they announce some sort of mechanic to allow players to choose their racials (which didn’t happen) so most pvpers went horde initially and that’s how every classic launch will go in the future. I’m not even saying alliance don’t suck at PvP, they do, but it’s for the same reason why all the pvpers went alliance in wrath. All about the racials baby!

this is true.

it would have to be a whole picture deal cause some combos completely negate the classes weakness in a big big way.

if orcs weren’t the only ones running around with an extra 25% stun resist, shaman might be able to get like, hex or lasso or something for example

hehe it would be something.

honestly just thinking of the absolutely broken combos that could happen would be just silly.

its no wonder why they havent done this yet.

the possiblities are insane.

because it would

when everyone can have OP racial combos, you’d have to balance around that, for better or worse. (I’m not sure it would make things better with the small team they have tbh they need more resources)