So about that 4+ shaman 4+ boomkin every bg

also even if they are on the same server they may not be a premade due to the mega servers now …

but whatever.

Its a game, you shouldnt cry this much over it

AB Premade Looking for Ret paladins!

-Said no one ever

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The only class stacking that try hard alliance premades do is hunter/boomkin/ couple rogues with atleast 1 warrior. No other DPS classes are considered top tier

It isnt consistant burst damage but when the slots come up in a ret pallies favor itll one shot just about anything, i think i got hoj(hand of justice trinket) seal of command wild strikes and my melee to all go off at once and crit and i did double someones health in a global, but the combined odds of that happening are astronomically low, you are probably looking at like 5ish %chance you get a command proc where both command and the base attack crit(higher with ws bc of the chance for that free attack) but yea ret can be either very oppressive or hit like a wet noodle and a large amount of it has nothing to do with skill and everything to do with rng bc so many of our abilities are rng based(also if a shaman spams dispel we are warriors with no abilities)(conversely dispelling fire shock when shamans are trying to setup lava burst is the most satisfying turnabout ive experienced in sod)

Lol hilarious the hunter with no real defensive or any heals and a deadzone…literal skill issue — you literally have to be terrible and brain dead to walk into an obvious trap hahahha … needed my laugh for today thanks

I know you arent implying that hunter is bad in SOD? You know we’re on the SOD forums, right?

SoD hunter 100% better then Era and hunter is far from bad in Era. What do you think that makes hunter in SOD? even with 2 or 3 nerfs every phase hunters are still Top tier. Please dont tell me you think Hunters are bad. LOL!

Again if you are bad and walk into traps you deserve it. No trap = no burst, deadzone = no burst … hilarious actually to even imply that…

Bro… nuff said.

what he and some people dont get is that hunter has been all spots in the top 3 or tied for 3rd in the pvp rankings for all of sod.

to say that they are bad is a big mis statement and a flat out lie .

I personally think both hunters and shamans are both equally just as bad :wink:

I’m just kidding bubula

naw the only time ive said shaman were straight up bad was p1 when they were horrible in pve other than their tank spec (which was the best tank in the game at that point) and maybe just mid in pvp in really small circumstances.

p2-p3 they were op on the way of earth /dw rockbiter enh spec p2 and ele spec mid p3.

p4-5 they were strong but still only top 4 compared to other specs that were op .

hunter on the other hand has been top 1-3 the whole of sod in some form or spec or another and no other class has the amount of top 3 spots for the amount of time that hunter has.

clearly in all the hub bub of the nerf shaman movement , hunters have been slept on other than when it was so blatant that people couldnt deny it and even then they were somehow called “less op and disruptive than shaman” cause people on both sides could roll them like that meant anything to how opressively op they were.

Hunter for sure has been very, very good even after all the nerfs.

I just got eviscerated for 1.2k and rogue made me feel like I had zero armor. I didnt even have sebacious poisons on me. lol But, but mail armor and shield!

doesnt mean much nowadays does it?

I’ve never felt like it did… only time I felt it was on the first damage nerf. Which they should’ve kept.

I was not being serious at all lol

i mean it matters vs very specific opponents using very specific abilities.

the things theyve done to buff the sp on the shields though are awesome. the new law and nature enchant and the shield oil … so good .

but its more and more that people are doing some form of non physical damage so it matters much less.

i know. im just in forum mode so its natural reflex :smiley: .

yeah but no one is intentionally stacking paladins, there are just lots of them

Post 10201 of you trying to nerf pallys, when you play the OP hero class. Just move on already

The reality is that the Dev team did not do like retail did soon enough and change the way spells and abilities work in raids versus in PvP.

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